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 We arrive at the beach with the sun still shinning and warm. It is around 4pm and we are setting our towels down. I sit on mine not bothering to put some sunscreen on and take my sunglasses off. I look towards Harry and he is taking his shirt off. His abs are so, so, so tanned and you can clearly see an eight-pack on it's way. Lower on his abs you can see his bathing suit begin held up by his hips and where there is a V shape from his hips. Well you can see where it begins. He fixes-

"Louis?" Niall calls and I shake out of my trance.

"Take a picture, it lasts longer." Harry whispers in my ear causing my face and neck to go red and hot from the embarrassment of being caught checking out my best friend. I take my shirt off and my shoes and run into the water with one slick dive. I swim out to a raft and push myself onto it. I hum a random tune and look off into the distance. The sun rays are dancing on the incoming waves. I watch it continue to dance around. It's almost as if it is doing the foxtrot on water. Lou.. You are going crazy. I stand up and jump into the water with a huge splash. I swim around for a bit until I see a ship, it reads "Sunset Bar Boat" I think I will hop on for a drink.

I swim all the way to the boat and climb up the ladder.

"Hello! This is our first customer from this place in months!" The man says not talking to anyone in general.

"Hi, uhmmm could I have a rum punch?" I ask.

"Yes, Yes, Yes you may!" He says mixing the drink.

Ok he was creepy. I take the drink and go to the nets of the boat. I sit and drink the rum punch and it was surprisingly delicious. I look at the four boys playing in the water when they call my name. I stand and wave at them and as soon as they see me they swim to the boat. I sit on the nets again finishing my drink and I put the plastic cup in the trash.

"Hey Lou!" Liam says coming back with a virgin pepsi and rum. Typical.

"Louiss!!!" Niall comes with 2 shots.

"Hey boys!" I smile.

"Boobear," Harry winks at me.

I glare at Niall for teaching him that nickname and then look back at Harry. Oh god his abs. His abs are wet, and shinning.

"H-H-H-Hi Ha-Ha-Harry," I stutter and then walk off back to the bar on the boat. 

"Hey Zayn," I say.

"Louueehhh!!" Zayn smiles getting his drink.

"One more rum punch please," I order and get my drink. I sit on the back of the boat with my feet in the water and look off watch the sunset. This is going to be a lot of avoiding Harry when he is shirtless. I finish my punch and throw the cup out. I make my way to the raft I was on earlier and look at the dark water. I run my hand through it and look into it. I guess all I saw was my reflection, but, the reflection wasn't exactly me. I am not supposed to be so confused. Avoiding people at all costs. Especially Harry. But-

"AHHH!!!" I jump and fall off the raft hurting my ankle.

"Louis! I am sorry!!" Harry swims to me.

"H-H-Harry.. It hurts help." I whimper.

"I've got you Lou, hold onto my back I will swim us back to shore.

"Ok..." I nod and get on his back. He starts swimming and I hold onto him the salt water stinging my ankle. I just whimper with my head on his back wincing every so often.

"Lou.. I am sorry.. We are.. almost... to shore," Harry says out of breath.

"I-I-It's fine," I choke out.

Wrong Number? {Larry Stylinson FanFic} *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now