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OK! SO GUYS I FOUND OUT SOMETHING THAT BLEW MY MIND!!! Ok what i found out was you can vote your own things... so crrraaayyy!!! Ok so to the story!!


"So then I said "Takes a sticky situation!!" Niall finishes his punny joke.

All the boys and I start laughing. We all stop when we hear the elevator ding.

"Guy.. I think someone has either came or gone.." I whisper.

We all sneak to the elevator and nobody is there.

"Well it was either room service or.. HARRY!" I say running to his room.

I walk over to him lying in bed. wewf.. Wait a sec.. I pull the top of the comforter to reveal pillows and other stuff to make it look like Harry.

"LIAM!!" I scream.

"What Lou?" Liam comes running into the room.

"Harry.. Is gone," I tell him.

"WHAT?!" Liam starts pacing.

I hold back the tears that are coming and get up.

"I am going to find him," I say passing Liam.

"No Lou, go to bed I will send out a few security gaurds they know this place. No sense in you both getting lost." Liam orders.

"But-" I begin.

"No buts Lou, go to bed and when you wake up Harry will be home." Liam instructs.

"Fine.." No sense in arguing with him he is the Daddy and usually correct with things.

Liam leaves Harry's room and goes to the living room to call security. I fix Harry's bed and thats when I hear Liam speaking with security describing him. I don't think it will be had to find Harry since this place has a population of like 40. I take strip myself down to my boxers and grab Harry's jack wills sweater. I crawl into Harry's bed and breath in his scent. Come home soon Harry. That is when I fall asleep.

- - - - - - - - - -


"What were you thinking?!" Liam whisper yells at me.

"I needed some air.. Because some people have to give me a 45 second dare... which I completely embarassed myself." I grumble quietly.

"Well.. How do you feel about Louis? I bet you know exactly how you feel about him," Liam whispers.

"I really.. really.. Love him.. More then a friend.. more then a best friend.. I wanna make him mine.." I whisper starring at my feet.

"Well, what are you gonna do about that?" Liam asks.

"I don't know yet... Talk to you in the morning." I whisper to him and go to my room.

Somebody is sleeping in my bed. GOLDY LOCKS!!

I walk over and its.. Louis? Awwww he is so cute.. Cuddling my sweater. I strip to my boxers. I would go naked but, now I know how I feel for him.. I just don't know. I crawl in bed and pull him close to me. He turns over and lays half on me.

"Harry.." He speaks.

"Are you sleeping Louis?" I ask him noticing that his eyes are closed and he is talking into my chest.

"I love you Harry.." He speaks again after 5 minutes.

I feel flutters in my heart until, "Your the bestest friend I could ever have..." PANG. My heart hurts.

I fall asleep feeling slightly off.

- - - - - - - - -

"Morning Sleepy," I wake up to Louis'.

"Morning Lou." I cress the back of his head.

"Where did you go last night?" Louis asks leaning his head up against my hand.

"I was down at the beach getting some fresh air." I reply.

"Why did you not invite me?" he asks me.

"I needed some time to just be alone and think," I told him.

"Think about what?" He asks.

"I was thinking about life." Which wasn't really a lie. It was just a half truth.

"Ok.. Harry can I ask you another thing?" Louis asks.

"Well since your all full of questions this morning continue." I reply still cressing the back of his hair.

"Were.. Like back during truth or dare.. Were you about to.. you know.. use tongue on me?" He asks blushing.

"I- err.. I was lost in the moment.. I guess." I try to figure out what to say.

"Oh.. So you were?" He asks.

"Uh.. Yea.. Kindda." I start to blush.

"What a cutie," He says pinching my cheek.

"I am not cute, puppies are cute. I am handsome," I say.

"Whatever you say," Louis says resting his head on my chest again.


Wrong Number? {Larry Stylinson FanFic} *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now