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I open my eyes to see i'm in a bus. Hmm?? How did I get here?? Did I fall asleep again?? I look around to see Harry,Liam,Niall and Zayn not here. I get up and stretch and the blanket falls down. I tumble over the blanket regaining my balance. I wobble to the back of the bus and see all four boys playing xBox. I collapse on the arm chair beside them. I am half asleep and I look around the room for a bit.

"Well.. Hello there sleeping beauty," Zayn comments.

I just groan as a response and look at the screen absentmindedly.

"How are you feeling Lou? You haven't really talked to any of us." Liam speaks up.

I shrug and focus on the TV.

"What were you talking about earlier Louis? What did you tell Harry that is such a secret?" Niall asks me.

"When will we be arriving?" I ask immediately after.

"At 2 30pm, Louis don't change the subject tell us," Zayn answers.

I get up and go to the bunk beds and climb to the top of them and close the curtain. I look at my phone and its 2pm.. 30 minutes ok. I turn my back to the curtain and I hear some ruckus.

"Harry tell me what's going on with Lou please, I feel like I don't know him anymore." Niall's noticeable Irish voice speaks.

"Louis will tell you when he is ready." Harry answers with a pissed off, yet sexy voice speaks.

"Fine.. But why is he so pissed?" Niall asks.

"He thinks I am ignoring him because of it.. I think.. But it is cau.." His voice goes quieter and i can no longer hear it.

What is he ignoring me for then? Why is it so important?

"You WHAT?!" Niall screams.

"Shhh!!" Harry shush him.

"Niall please.. I just.. This is hard for me.." Harry says.

What is hard for him?

"Ok.. Well Harry I don't know what to say.. I mean.. Don't ignore him it's hard for him when you do. It makes him sad." Niall says.

"Ok Niall.." Harry says before they walk somewhere.

"LOUIS?!" One of the boys call out.

"Louis!!" Another calls.

 "Lou.. We are here.. Where ever you are.. Please come into the hotel... when you are ready.." Niall speaks. 

I wait a good 15 minutes for all the boys to leave when I exit the bed I look around and find my bags. I pick them up and walk out the hot Caribbean air hitting my cold body. I take a breath of the air before walking inside. I go to the person at the front desk and ask for my room reservation.

"The rest of the boys are up their, you will not be bothered during your stay. Nobody knows of this place as the main reason but, it's nice having you. You will be in the penthouse suite." She says and I nod before taking the key and going towards the elevator.

I press the button to go up and wait for the elevator. Here is the start to a vacation that I am pretty sure I will remember for a while. Weather its a good memory or a bad one. The elevator noise goes off and I click the top floor. I wait and watch the numbers go up as it reaches to the top floor. I step out with my bags and go into the only room that the door is open. I guess this is my bedroom. I put my clothes and toiletries away and then jump on my bed. I feel sleep wanting to take over as a familiar voice calls my name.

"Hmm?" I ask sleepily.

"Louis.. I am sorry.. It's just you don't get it.." Harry says.

I groan and roll back with my face into my pillow.

"Louis.. I am not avoidin-" Harry begins before I cut him off.

"You are because I am gross... What I am makes no sense and you think I am disgusting.." I cry into my pillow.

"Louis! No.. You would never be gross to me.. Ever! Never say that ok," He says and lays beside me.

I turn to him and look at him. Probably not good looking, my eyes are throbbing so they are probably puffy and red and my hair is most likely a mess. Harry wipes my tears away and pulls me into his chest holding me. I just let the tears go as they please.

"Louis.. You are perfect ok.. Nothing could ever change that.. No matter your sexuality or anything.." He says kissing my head. If only he knew how he made me feel when he kisses my head. I smile into his chest and calm down.

"Harry.." I begin.

"Yes Lou?" Harry asks.

"Can we be best friends forever?" I ask him.

"Of course." He replies simply.

"I love you.. Thanks so much.." I tell him.

"I love you too.. Thanks for what?" He asks me.

"For being there for me.." i reply.

"Forever and always." He replies.


Niall walks into the room as Harry and I are separating.

"Harry.... What are you doing?" Niall asks.

"Apologizing to Louis.." He replies.

"Ok.. Well go get your swim trunks on boys we are going swimming." Niall declares leaving the room.

I get up and go to the dresser and grab some navy blue trunks.

"I will go get changed.. Meet you at the elevator." Harry says leaving.

I put on my swim trunks and then put on a simple shirt I can take off when we get to the beach. I go get a towel before walking to the elevator seeing Harry waiting.

"Whoa.. You beat me?" I am shocked to see him.

"Yep! I am a speed racer," He says before pressing the elevator button.

"Slow down speed racer," I wink before walking into the elevator.

END OF THIS CHAP :P AHAHHA!! Hope you enjoyed this one let me know :P

Wrong Number? {Larry Stylinson FanFic} *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now