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OK  lets see what shall I do today what shall I do.. Continue this book.. :D I am also watching pippi longstockings :D

While Louis was getting stitches I decided to go get him a teddy bear from the gift shop. I serch for a perfect one when I come across a big one with the word "Strong" on its shirt. I decide that it was cute and bought it. 20$ perfect. I hope he likes it. I get a magazine while I am there and then make my way back to the waiting room. I am glad we are somewhere, where nobody knows us. I sit in the almost empty waiting room with the teddy and read my magazine.

"Harry Styles." My name is called.

"Yes?" I ask the doctor.

"We have put the stitches in and did an X-ray it looks lik its just a few torn muscles and nerves. Besides of corse that huge gash," The doctor informs me and Louis comes out on a wheel chair arguing how he can still walk.

"Hi Lou.. I got you a teddy," I tell him handing him the big teddy bear.

"Thanks Harry... But I already have one," He states.

"Oh.. I thought maybe you might feel loved if I got you one." I imediately feel sad and look to my feet.

"Naa.. My bear already make me feel loved everyday actually," Louis speask again.

"Oh.. We can return this one then." I say not looking up.

"No! My Hazzabear gave it too me and he make me feel loved," Louis says and I look up at him feeling happy again.

"Way to make me feel bad," I state realizing the game he was playing.

"You just look so innocent when you get upset," Louis says getting out of his wheelchair and pinching my cheek.

"Louis!" I groan, "That hurts you know."

"Sowwy Hazza," Louis says hugging me.

I immediately snake my arms around his waist and hug him tight.

"Ha-Harry to TIGHT!" Louis squeeks.

"Oh sorry Lou.." I apologise.

"Thats ok, to the mall?" He asks me.

"Yep!" I say popping the "P".

I walked with Louis to the mall which was quite nice. He was busy cuddling the bear I got him and I just walked beside him. We get there and Niall and Liam are at the food court.

"HEYY!! NINI LILI!!" I scream as I walk with Louis.

"You really love that bear don't you?" I ask him.

"Err yea its a nice bear," He replies and stops hugging it.

I smirk and we sit beside Liam and Niall.

"So boys," Liam begins, "Zayn decided it would be a good idea to start a truth or dare or spin the bottle or something tonight. Mostly because it would be good to get to know each other better and it would be fun."

"Alright, and what else?" I ask.

"We will start it every night at 7pm." Liam informs us.

"Ok.. What time is it?" Louis asked.

"4pm now so you have 2 hours go and do what you like," Liam says.

"But.. I think you did your calculations wrong.. 4 plus 2 equals 6." I reply raising an eyebrow.

"I know that Harry but, we need time to change into pj's, order pizza, and for Zayn do his hair." Liam explains.

"Smart," I say and pull Louis' hand to go to the toy store.

 Louis goes off with his teddy bear I got him to the leggo room in the toy store. I sit beside him and let him make his leggo room toy and I hold the teddy for him. It actually already smells like Louis. I take in a big breath of it trying to to seem like I was nd Louis turns and looks at me.

"Were you just sniffing my bear?" Louis asks.

"Not.. uhh.. really.. I was.. holding my breath you see so, I needed some air." I say slowly trying to figure out what to say.

"You held your breath? Why? Was the teddy already stinky? Am I?" Louis asks smelling himself.

"No Lou.. I..Uhh.. Didn't realise I was," I told him.

"Oh.. Ok.. Your weird." Louis tells me before going back to playing with the leggo.

After an hour Louis is finished and he hands me what he made.

"What is it?" I ask.

"A cat. For you cause I know you like cats," Louis says getting up and taking his teddy back.

"Aww Lou, your so cute," I say giving him a hug.

"I know!" He smiles and we walk to another store. We leave the store realizing it was a bra store and run into a photobooth.

"Hey Lou, wanna take some pics?" I ask him.

"Sure Hazzabear," Louis says putting his teddy outside of it and sitting on the chair.

We pay and start with the pics. We both do a nice smile to begin and then we do one huggng. I look to see what Louis is doing and he is just doing a nice face. I come up with an idea for this one so at the last second I move my head and kiss Louis' cheek. He turns and looks at me his cheeks all rosie. I just smile and get the fourth photo taken. In the fourth Louis is still out of it and I am smiling trying to contain how good it felt to kiss Louis. (The way he is smiling is the same as the pic on the side... which I know is of Louis whateve...)

"You ok Lou?" I ask him.

"I.. Uhhh.. Yep," He squeeks.

"Ok, let's get the pics," I say going out and grabbing the twopicture strips.

"Louis your face," I chuckle.

"Hey! I wasn't expecting you to kiss my cheek!" I scream.

"I know that's why I did it, so now you hilarious!" I start laughing.

He groans and grabs his pics walking away.

"Louis aren't you forgeting something?" I ask him.

"What?" he asks.

"You bear," I tell him.

"Oh yea!" He runs to his bear and walks off again.

"No, I meant ME!" I yell at him and then catch up to him chuckling.


Wrong Number? {Larry Stylinson FanFic} *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now