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"LOUIS!! WAKE UP WE HAVE LANDED!!" My sister squeals.

I groan and wake up. I see my sisters One Direction (The band she is in love with) magazine, I take it out of the seat pouch it was in and hold it up.

"OMG!! I ALMOST FORGOT IT!!" She says grabbing it and dragging my off the plane with my bag, her bag and her magazine.

We get out and there is a taxi for Louis... Could it be for me? I don't remember calling for a car. Then my phone vibrates.

Harry: Enjoy the car ride :) Stay safe

Me: Really?! Thanks!! your actually cray boy!

Harry: HAHA I know :)

Lottie and I get into the limo that was parked for us.

This Harry guy must be rich or something.

"Louis!! This is gonna be so cool!!" Lottie says as we arrive at my new flat.

We go to the front desk and the receptionist help us with all the sorting out and then we head upstairs. My flat number is 211. Second floor nothing special, but it's what I can afford for now. Lottie brings her stuff to the couch. A  one bedroom flat.. Perfect for a bachelor I do say. The kitchen is nothing special and neither is the living room. I walk into my bedroom and it's like a four star hotel threw up in this room. Its got all the four star requirements but its all over the place. I put the stuff neatly around and now it looks perfect.

"LOUIS!!! THE CONCERT STARTS IN 2 HOURS WE HAVE TO BE THERE IN 1!!!" Lottie says calling for me.

"Ughh.. Ok!!" I say back and change into red pants and a striped tee. I tuck it in and see some suspenders in the closet. I laugh and put them on and it actually fits perfectly so I wear them. I get on TOMS and make my way to the bathroom. I was expecting some crappy bathroom but it was identical to the one I had at home.. I mean my moms home... except the marble counter tops were black in this one.

I set up my toiletries and comb my hair out. Then I brush my teeth and put a few eye drops in because my eyes were irritating from the dry plane.

"LOUIS!! COMMON!!! LETS GO!!" Lottie shouts.

I groan and walk out shutting off all the lights. I see Lottie at the door in dark navy jeans and a jack wills sweater. She puts on some moccasins and runs out the door.

"Lottie? Why are you wearing your jack wills sweater? Shouldn't you go with something fancy? You know so they will notice you?" I ask her.

"NO!! Harry where's jack wills... Sooo!! I am wearing it... Why do you own suspenders?" Lottie asks.

"Ok.. Well I found them in my room so I am wearing them now!" I smile and she looks at me like I'm crazy.

"Well.. They only need to notice me now LETS GO!!" She yells running down the stairs.

You heard me this place doesn't have a lift.. But their rooms are nice.

I chase her down the stairs and we get in the limo which is still waiting for us.

WEIRD?! Maybe its what they do in London.

I don't question it and we ride in the limo all the way to the concert. There is a tough security gaurd standing outside the door. We show him out passes then he accuses us of being late before letting us in. 

"Where do we go?" I ask Lottie.

"I don-" She is cut off.

"Follow me," A curly haired boy says.

"OMG!! HI HARRY!" Lottie takes a deep breath.

I stand back and watch her as she has an inner freak out.

Wrong Number? {Larry Stylinson FanFic} *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now