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I wandered into the kitchen after a somewhat awkward conversation with Louis. I don't know. He practically took it as a joke. Was he joking with me when he said he was gay? I just.. Don't know anymore.

"So.. Harry," Liam comes around the corner.

"Oh GEEZ!" I jump as he scares me.

"Sorry Haz. How are you and Louis?" He asks.

"Friends.." I mumble getting some tea.

"Oh.. Want me to help you out?" Liam asks.

"No.. I don't think he likes me that way.." I mutter taking a sip of tea.

"Oh.. Well we are going to the beach so you and him can talk," He says.

"Serious.. How do you think I will talk to him when he is shirt is off.." I look at him.

"Maybe you won't need to talk," He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively.

I face-palm and just walk out of the room. Of course I had to run into a shirtless Louis.

"Hi Haz!" He perks up when he sees me.

"O-h. H-Hi.." I say walking to my room.

I strip off and walk into the bathroom where I take a nice warm shower. I get out dry off and get on my swim trunks I get a towel and walk downstairs. Where are the boys?

"Harry!! Hurry up!!" Louis' voice calls.

"I am done, where are the rest of the boys?" I ask not turning the corner to see him.

"They are at the beach, Liam told me to wait for you," Louis says walking to me.

"Did he now," Liam, remind me to kill him later.

"So, want to go to the beach now?" Louis asks.

"Mhmm," Is all I could say. His perfectly toned abs are a complete distraction. I just want to touch them. If that doesn't seem so creepy or anything. Not to mention his swim shorts fall perfectly showing off his V-

"Like what you see Harry?" Louis asks.

"Uhhh sure do.. I guess," I reply looking at his abs. Is it so hard for me to focus my gaze somewhere else?

"Take a picture it lasts longer," Louis speaks up.

"Maybe I will!" I say taking out my iPhone.

"One sec lemme pose!" Louis says before getting into the craziest looking pose.

I take a snapshot of it and smile, "Lookin good!!" I chuckle showing him the picture.

"Oh dear that is a bad pic," He says trying to delete it, but I take my iPhone back and slip it into my pocket.

"NOO!!! Delete it!!" Louis cries.

"No, I think I will put it on twitter actually," I smirk.

"Please delete it Hawwy," He gives me puppy dog eyes.

"What's in it for me?" I ask.

"You'll make your BFF happy," He smiles.

"It will make Liam happy!!" I get fake excited.

"NOT LIAM MEEE!!" He whines.

"Oh, you.. Never mind I'll keep it." I say walking into the elevator.

"Wait up Harry!" Louis says running in after me.

We go down to the lobby and walk out to the beach I escaped to. Which is basically the beach the resort is on. The boys have set up and I see Liam paying for surfing lessons.

"Race you to the water," Louis challenges me.

"What about your foot?" I ask him.

"It'll be fine throw your phone on the towel beside Zayn," He says and we run to the water dropping our electronics on Zayn.

I splash into the water beating Louis, "HA! I win!"

He splashes me with water and I look at him unimpressed. I splash Louis back and we get into a full on water fight. By the end of it Niall had joined us while Zayn was on shore and Liam was at his surfing lessons. We got out of the water and Niall went to make a sand castle with Liam when he was done surfing. I on the other hand paid for a jet ski to share with Louis.

"LOUIS COME!! LET'S GO JET SKI!!" I yell for Louis and he comes running.

"Only if I get to drive," He says as he takes the front.

"Only cause I love you," I say sitting behind him.

I wrap my arms around him and the jetski takes off. When it  does I hold him tighter before relaxing out with my head on his shoulder. We continue for a bit when the gas runs out.

"Louis why did you stop?" I ask.

"The gas ran out.." He says.

"So we are just gonna bob here then?" I ask.

"Yea, hopefully the guy will come save us," Louis says turning around so he is facing me.

"So what do we do now?" I ask.

"Wait," He says.

"Yea, I know that but, to pass time?" I ask.

"What would you like to do?" He asks.

"You probably wouldn't want to do what I want to do," I tell him.

"What is it?" He asks.

"It's nothing.. We should swim or something," I tell him.

"No, tell meeeee," He whines.

"C-Can I k-k-kiss you again?" I stutter not making eye contact with him. I fiddle with my thumbs and go red. He hasn't said anything. I scared him. He is probably going to jump off the jet ski and swim to shore. Leaving me he-

My train of thought was broken by Louis' rough lips crashing on mine. I took a second to realise that Louis is actually kissing me. I kiss back and deepen the kiss. This time I don't go as far as I did during truth or dare. Then i feel Louis' tongue glide on my lower lip and I grant him access. Our tongues wrestle for dominance at first but, then Louis lets me be the dominant one and I search his mouth with my tongue.

Once we part, we are both panting hard and I don't look at him I just look into the deep blue water.

"Ha-," Louis begins but, I cut him off, "Louis I love you.. More then a best friend.."

I don't look at him I had the confidence to say that I am done. I don't want to lose confidence so i just look at the water.

"Harry.. Do you want to know how I know i am for sure gay?" He asks.

"How..." I mumble.

"Cause I love you more then I have ever loved a girl.." He says looking opposite to me.

"What happened boys?!" The jet ski guy calls.

"Jet ski ran out of gas!" I yell back.

"Ok let me get yours hooked to mine." He says focusing on the rear of the jet ski.

"I was hoping you loved me like I love you," I whisper into Louis' ear kissing his cheek.


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