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OK! Yah I cut Louis off but I want to do this part under Harry :) LOVE YOU HONEY BADGERS!! ALMOST CHRISTMAS BREAK WHO'S EXCITED? (This will be so awkward during and after Christmas break... HEHE)

I smile and sit beside Louis. He is actually a hilarious guy I am glad he is in One Direction and he is not so bad looking either. I his perfect blue eyes, and cute nose and his lips are a light shade of pink- WHOA HARRY! QUIT IT.. He puts his arms around the back of the sofa and I lean into his chest just getting comfy. I feel him flinch.

"Oh sorry.." I say getting back up.

"No its ok," He says putting his arm on my shoulder and I lay my head on him once more.

I don't know why but I like the feeling. The feeling of being so close to him. The feeling of his arms around me. I- Harry.. Harry.. Harry.. You are not suppose to like it as much as you do!

I shake my thoughts away and watch the movie. Still cosied up with Louis' arm around me. When the movie finishes we go to the living room and see a huge stike of lightning go across the sky. Then a big BOOM! And the power is out. I light a few candles.

"Where's Louis?" Harry asks.

"I don't know.." Zayn says looking around.

"We need to find him." Niall says worriedly.

"Where could he have gone?" Liam asked.

"I-I-I don't know.." Niall says looking around.

"Why would he leave?" I asked and all the boys except Niall shrug.

"Niall?" Liam says looking at him one eyebrow raised.

"I-I-I don't know either!" He said all to quickly before saying, "Oh would you look at the time *Fake Yawn* I am tired."

Niall goes into Louis' room and locks the door. Curious i put my ear to the door and listen to Niall and.. someone crying. LOUIS?!

"It's ok Lou.. It'll be ok.." an Irish accent said.

Then a scream and I jump backed as the door opened.

"Harry?" Louis said tears falling out of his eyes.

"H-H-Hi Lou? Are you ok? What's happening?" I ask.

Louis looks back and Niall.

"He is scared of lightning." Niall mumbled.

"Aww.. Louis it's ok.. It'll be over soon.." I say opening my arms so Louis can come in for a hug.

He runs into my arms and just cries. I rock him back and forth to calm him. He calms down and looks at me. His eyes shinning in the candle light. His lips quivering and his hair a mess. I comb it back with my hands. I feel his hair between my fingers. so soft. so.. perfect. It's perfect, I cress the back of his head. He pulls away and I feel the absent of his body. I don't like the feeling. Why? I don't even know..

"Thanks Harry.." Louis says looking at the floor with his hands behind his back.

"It's ok.. If the storm doesn't let up you can fall asleep in my bed if you like.. There is tons of room," I tell him.

He nods and we walk downstairs and the boys are all on the couch.

"Hey Lou.. Feeling better?" Liam asks.

I am guessing Niall told them. Louis just noded and we sat on the couch.

"Ok.. Let's get your mind off this, Truth or Dare?" Zayn asks.

Louis just nods and I put my arm around him and whisper, "It's ok... You safe.." I feel him shiver under my arm.

"Cold?" I ask him, but knowing why.

"Not really.." He speaks.

I smile and we get on with the game.

"Liam, Truth or Dare?" Zayn asks.

"Truth!" Liam says.

"Party pooper.." Zayn mutters quietly before asking, "Do you have a crush right now?"

Liam nods and smiles, I am guessing her image popped in his head.

"WHO?!" Zayn asks.

"Hey! One question at a time!" Liam smirks and says, "Truth or Dare Harry!"

"Dare!" I says feeling daring.

"I dare you to get some ice and put it down your pants till it melts," Liam says smirking.

"WHEN DID YOU HAVE AN EVIL SIDE!" I say and go to the kitchen and get some ice.

I sit there uncomfortable and Louis mumbles, "Cold?"

I smirk and squeak, "OH YAH.."

I hear him chuckle a very soft chuckle.

"Louis Truth or Dare?" I ask him.

"T-T-Dare.." Louis says.

"Were you gonna say truth," Zayn asks and Louis nods.

"I dare you to.. Sing "A Little Tea Pot" with the actions!" I say making this easy on him hoping the dance will make him happy.

He does so and his voice is shaky.. But still amazing. He warms up and I see a smile playing on his lips and he sits down after doing so.

"Niall I dare you to.. Bark like a dog." Louis' smile gets bigger.

Niall says woof and then he adds, "Like you mean it"

Niall starts to bark and our nieghbour comes to our door.

"Hello Harry, when did you get a dog?" Lilly, my nieghbour asks.

"Oh.. that was my pet Niall," Louis interupts and Niall barks at her.

"Don't worry he doesn't live here," Louis speaks again.

"Oh.. Well uhmm.. thanks.. bye.." Lilly awkwardly walks away.

We all laugh and Louis yawns.

"I guess we are gonna go now.. C'mon Niall and Zayn Louis is tired." Liam say escorting them out.

"I am not," He yawns, "Tirreeddd..."

His eyes are half closed now and I grab his wrist and we hear and see another lightning strike. Louis jumps on my back and I walk up the stairs with him there.

"So my room or yours?" I ask him.

"Yours.." He says softly his voice cracking.

I walk into my room and sit him on the bed then go to my side. He removes his shirt and I can't help my self but admire his back muscles. He begins to turn around and I pretend I was getting my shirt off.

"Harry.." He asks with another yawn this time making me yawn.

"Yes lou.." I say.

"Do you have sweats?" He asks.

I hand him a pair of sweats and remove my clothes down to my boxers. I watch him remove his pants. Mentally slapping myself and crawl in bed.

"Harry.." His voice speaks again.

"Yah Lou.." I say.

"Can we cuddle?" He asks.

"Sure.." I say sliding closer to him.

He rests his head on my bare chest and feel his legs beside mine. I put my arm around his side and wait till he falls asleep. Then I do.

Wrong Number? {Larry Stylinson FanFic} *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now