Oops I made a new Larry Stylinson

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I made a new Larry Stylinson if you guys wanna read a different book :) I hope you will like it :)

its called: Life in the Boys Home

This is the description I gave so if you like it click the external link or go to my profile you'll see it there :) ::::::

Have you ever wondered what its like in a boys home? Maybe you are a boy in the boys home? Well my names Harry and this is my story.

Basically I am hopelessly in love with a boy that goes by the name of... Louis. Tomlinson.

My friends Tod Liam and Niall try to help me with getting him to notice me but I am a coward.

I met the guy named Zayn and he practically forces me to talk to Louis.. which I don't mind.

I am gonna start this story off with my first encounter with this lad and how it lead me to where I am today.

Harry is too shy and cowardly. Everyone knows he's gay. Thats the reason he was sent to the boys home. Harry is in love with louis and has been since he was 12. Louis is dating Master Cowells daughter. But, Harry continues to fall deeper and deeper in love with the boy known as Louis. Harry meets Zayn.. and well.. Zayn helps him out.. But he gets Harry's help with Tod in return. Will Harry and Louis be together in the end or will he die alone and in love with the same boy from when he was 12?

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