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BACK :P This book is almost over :( I know I know.. -TEAR- well thats K just lemme knw if you guys want a sequel :)

I wake up to singing. Harry?

"I feel so close to you right now its a forcefield...   I wear my heart upon my sle- Morning," Harry smiles as I open my eyes.

"I could get use to you waking me up to singing." I tell him.

"Corse you could, scootch over I am cold," He whispers.

I do as asked and he crawls in. I hold him close and kiss his hair.

"Can you bring those lips south?" Harry asks.

I slide down to face him and look at him. "Why?"

"My lips are cold.. Could you fix that?" He winks.

"Sneaky.. Well only if you answer this question, Who else is up?!" I ask.

"You and me, That's it," Harry says.

"OK.. Come here cutie," I say.

"I am n-" I cut him off by kissing him. He kisses me back .. duh! and I lean over him so i am on top. He smiles into the kiss before trying to get his tongue in. He licks my lower lip but I don't let him in. Haha Harry! I feel his hand trail down to my boxers. He wouldn't. I don't let him in still and that is when I feel his hand on my... Lower region. I gasp and he take that as his chance. Oi.. I see he would go that far. Our tongues fight for dominence when-

"LOUIS!! Have you seen HARRY?! HE ISN'T  IN HIS BED!!" Liam shouts.


I pull Harry up and push him into my bathroom. I go to the door of my bedroom and open it.

"What is it Liam?" I ask grumpy.

"Where is Harry?" He asks.

"Why are you asking me?" I ask.

"Nevermind.." He walks off.

I get Harry out of my bedroom and push him into his bedroom. I go to the kitchen and go to Liam.

"Harry is in his bedroom by the way," I state and get some orange juice.

"Oh? Weird ok Louis I need to speak with you," Liam says pulling me out to the elevator.

"Louis.. Harry really likes you.. I know you told him you were gay.. Are you?" He asks.

"Liam can you keep a secret?" I ask.

"Maybe.." He states.

"Harry and I are going through a thing.. But, we don't want anyone to know till we know it is for sure." I tell him.

"So your not dating your just testing?" He asks.

"I guess, but, nobody can know.. ok!" I tell him.

"Ok.. When do you plan on tell people?" Liam asks.

"At the end of this vacation we will decide together if this is what we truely want." I speak.

"Ok. Ok. I will keep your secret," Liam says and I thank him.

We press top floor and we wait for the elevator to get there. DING!! Liam and I exit.

Harry is alone sitting on the couch.. I am just going to... POUNCE!!

I pounced on Harry over the couch.

"Helloooooo!!" I say smiling at him.

"Hello there sexy," Harry winks.

Liam comes and sits down beside us, "Hi Harry."

"UHHHHH Liam-" I cut him off with a kiss and whisper into his ear, "He knows babe."

I sit myself straight and cuddle into Harry.

"You told him?" He asks.

"Yea.. I had to.. I don't like to be the bad guy," I look at him.

"You'll never be the bad guy Lou.. Your too cute for that," He winks.

"I should have seen the Cute card coming. Walked right into that one." I giggle.

"Sure did," He kisses me once more.

"You guys are so cute." Liam says holding up a heart with his hands.

"Oi! Liam.. We know," I wink.


Wrong Number? {Larry Stylinson FanFic} *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now