The Wine Cellar | Tony Balerdi

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"Are you serious? You actually have a crush on Tony?" One of my co-workers asked in a whisper. The two of us were setting the tables so everything was set up for the dinner party tonight. Someone rented out the entire restaurant for a wedding reception. Everyone was on high energy, which was a little draining. "You know he loves Adam right?" She said as we moved to another table. "Yeah... I know..." I said trailing off. Her words hurt a little but I didn't blame her. There was no way she could have known that what she said would effect me so much. I tried to press my thoughts to the back of my mind as we continued our work. When we finished Tony walked up to us. My heart skipped a beat and I hoped I wasn't blushing. "Good work. I'm glad you got this finished early, I need your help getting wine from the cellar." He said in his adorable accent. Butterflies filled my stomach when we made eye contact. I melted a little as well. I melt every time I look into his big brown eyes. The two of us followed him down to the cellar where Tony told us which bottles of wine he needed. My co-worker left, leaving he and I alone. It gave me a burst of anxiety.

"Y/n... can I ask you a question?" He asked me in his cute accent. "Yeah, sure." I replied. The fact that he wanted to ask me a question made me even more anxious than I already was. I was so nervous about what he was he going to ask me. Maybe it's because I've been hiding my feelings from him for so long. "Would you like to go watch a film with me sometime?" He asked, and I kind of didn't even register what he said. It took a moment to even believe he asked if I wanted to hangout after work with him. "Um... sure." I said awkwardly, which made him laugh a little. "What? Are you not use to people asking you to go places with them?" He asked. He seemed amused by my reaction. The sparkle in his beautiful eyes made me blush, and I wished he didn't notice it. "No, it's just... no one from work has ever asked me to go somewhere." I replied with a shy awkward laugh. "Oh, really? That's surprising." He said with a smile on his had some face. "It is?" I replied in a confusing sounding. "Yeah. You've always seemed like the type to have a lot of friends to me." He said. I admitted to not having a lot of friends. At least not many friends from work.

The two of us talked, and I started to feel just a little comfortable around him. But I was still nervous. I didn't wanna say anything stupid or make a fool out of myself. My co-worker didn't return, so I figured someone had her doing some other job. After getting all of the needed wine, Tony lead the way back upstairs. The two of us entered the kitchen where we put the wine on ice to chill it for the wedding reception. Adam was yelling at his cook staff. When I looked up I spotted Tony looking at him with love in his eyes. It hurt and I felt so stupid. 'Why did I fall in love with someone who loves someone else?' I thought inside of my head. I walked off and headed into a bathroom to be alone. The rest of the night I kind of avoided Adam and Tony. I couldn't stand to see either of them right now. At the end of the night I went to my locker to get my things. I was feeling like shit physically and emotionally. All I wanted to do was get home to take a shower and go to bed. "Hey." I heard a very familiar voice. It gave me butterflies when I heard it. I turned around to see Tony standing there. "Hey." I replied. "I haven't seen you all night. Where did you disappear to?" He said with a playful look in his eyes.

"I was busy all night." I said as I ran a hand down my face. "I know. We all were...." He trailed off before speaking again. "I wanted to make sure we agreed on a night to go catch that film." He said. The two of us talked about when we were free and agreed to go to a movie on the weekend. I hated to admit it, but the idea of spending time with him on the weekend didn't boost my spirits. It was a really really long day.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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