Chapter 18

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No One's POV
Inside of the Devil May Cry building we see the whole crew with V and Bell "So V you are going to open a portal to where Yato and Yukine are going so we can follow Hiyori you are staying here we can handle this." Y/n said as Yato and Yukine got into position to teleport using the phone she uses for work when Hiyori jumped right at them as they teleported causing her body to go into a comatose state "well shit didn't expect that." Y/n said picking up the limp girl and putting her on the couch as V and Bell stand looking at the sight "stick to the plan guys V, Bell you ready?" Y/n said the nodded as V slashed a portal with the the Yamato and the crew entered seeing Yato moving Hiyori towards a few boulders as Rabo looked ready to come after them when Y/n and co. Stopped him remembering what Nero said the first time he met Vergil in his demon form "hey Jackass didn't your mother ever tell you it's not nice to steal." He said pointing at his temple as V shook her head remembering that Nero said that before getting defeated by her other counter part Y/n tried to close the gap between them when Rabo closed it with both locking blades when Y/n slides his blade down causing the god to push his blade to the ground the hunter now had the upper hand he put his foot on the back of the blade and kicked the god back causing the God to lose his grip and let go. The God realized this and tried to force his katana to come back to him when Y:n grabbed it before it could come out from under his boot he thinks quickly and grab the sword causing the blade to shake within his grip "huh wonder what'll happen if I release some of my power into the sword the blade starts to shake even more violently enough so that it loosened his grip letting fly to the god who jumped right past him to Yato Hiyori and Yukine    Y/n used trickster to teleport next to them "Hey sir would you like to schedule an appointment with my significant other and her friends if so please consult my blade." Y/n said as Rabo showed two purple orbs tossing both of them Y/n tricked to one of the orbs grabbing it to keep it safe as he felt himself get hit with a slash cutting him hard and then Nothing as he  fell into the water.
Yato's POV
Rabo cut the orb right in front of me causing it to shatter I looked back and saw Hiyori still fine and I was at ease for a second until I realized that orb was Y/n's memories I looked to where he was to see him face down "Y/N!?" I screamed as I grabbed him and pulled him from the water seeing his hand clenched still I pulled it open grabbing the orb and putting it into my pocket to keep it safe I also noticed that his hand had a cut I stiffened a cry coming up as I pulled my scarf off and wrapped it around his hand stopping the bleeding when V and Bell came over and hoisted him up and take him away from the battlefield Muramasa fell from his grip I picked it up gripping it as Hiyori followed V and Bell "Rabo." I said venom fell from those words he took notice "do you hate me?" He asked paused waiting for a response getting not getting one he continued as Bell V and Hiyori left to give us the floor for a fight "good loathe me, o fierce deity. Accept and awaken to your maelstrom of hate... GOD OF CALAMITY YATO?!" He yelled as I looked at the floor my hair covering my eyes "be quiet." I said monotone as he made an audible noise "sekki." I said calling Yukine into her blade form and my hair color changed to Snow White and eyes became a hateful red I felt powerful like power was just being given to me and I used it to do something similar to a trickster teleport to Rabo slicing horizontally not causing a cut until I kicked him across his shrine towards the other side I saw him look over obviously ecstatic about this he got up from his position moving the rocks and debris away as he looked up smiling "yes... those are the eyes Come!" He exclaimed as I coldly said "You come to me. imma hack that grin right off your face." He smiled even wider as I said this, Yukine was scared I could tell by the way she said my name Rabo took the invitation and ran right towards me jumping to close more ground and we locked blades as I tricked backwards and used both Yuki and Muramasa to attack the other god of calamity the blade was acting off like it was trying to escape realizing it was a Devil arm I heard a voice "having trouble wielding me I see." The voice said 'shut it.' I thought and the blade spoke again this time angry "my sons power is within you and you want me to shut it." The blade said as I struck Rabo with a blow directly to the shoulder then Yuki spoke. "Yato your hurting me." She said her voice filled with pain I realized what I've been doing to her I looked at her blade seeing it turn a slight red 'oh no' I thought as I moved back reverting Yuki as I did seeing the pain I caused my regailia Muramasa spoke "such a shame you weren't paying attention to your other weapons condition she could be harmed by the demonic power within her." Muramasa said again as it basically jumped out of my hand into the sky going somewhere "Yuki I need you to get through this pain ok." I said as I summoned nightmare to deal with Rabo as Yuki layed down from the demonic power coursing through her then Rabo cut through the giant familiar his eyes like a phantoms my eyes widen 'no way.' I thought as I closed my eyes only to hear a gunshot and groan from Rabo I opened my eyes seeing a familiar man but not at the same time his hair was black and his outfit was comprised off a black tank top with dog tags brown leather pants and some black boots his pistol was odd looking like one of the pistols Y/n uses but even more odd then another being a demon no doubt but human in size it wield a sword of pure energy his skin looked of armor black and demonic looking the demon looked over to me then the Muramasa holding his hand out it came to his hand "time for round 2." They said in unison my eyes widen "Y/n I said as I fell to the ground
To be continued...

Here's what the demon looks like

Here's what the demon looks like

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The human:

The human:

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