lemon chapter 18+

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This is the actual lemon it is payment for not having a lemon for this story and leaving you guys off with a long wait, before I leave, I leave you with this you perverts

Timeskip after the second season of the anime.

Hyori Lemon first for best girl

It's been a long time since Vergil sent me to this world over 3 years me Hyori, Yato, and Yukine have been together for awhile Hyori's parents were horrified when she introduced me to them, they thought their daughter would look more professional rather than a young boy with dyed white hair I explained to them that I was a business owner and that my twin brothers got off lucky with their height but I got the brains of the family not totally a lie but still not the truth they welcomed me to their family when I showed them the proper respect and commitment to their daughter they visit us every so often and we have a nice dinner.
Right now however it's just me and Hyori. Yato and Yukine are on a job it's amazing how much Hyori can do now, both of her bodies were on both of my sides hugging my arms as we watched the madolorian. she learned this from my Doppelganger move, she preferred to not use it unless she wanted to go with Yato, and Yukine and had work she just spilt off a piece of her to go with them and get work done usually using her doppelganger to do the work or she would use it at home to do the house work but for some reason her Doppelganger was very vulgar and a pervert whenever she was around me constantly teasing me and grabbing my 3rd leg while the true Hyori usually having a tail was very sweet and inocent, right now the doppelganger Hyori or as I called her Sadie was pulling my arm to get me to stroke her pussy lips and clit her face was really red my face grew hot and red when she put her face to my ear and wispered "I bet you want to stick it inside me right now huh Y/N" she said with a suductive smirk on her face I got up and went to the bathroom when I was inside I split myself into two and I went about my business one of us going to the couch and one going to the bedroom the one that went to the couch wispered in Sadie's ear saying I was waiting in the bedroom while I just sat down next to Hyori Sadie stood up and said "oops I forgot to clean the bedroom" as she ran into the room where she saw me standing there waiting for her.

Lemon explicit sex scene

I quickly shut the door behind her and unzipped my pants unleashing my 12 inch magnum dong she smiled and got on her knees and opened her mouth getting ready to take my gentleman's sword down her throat I grabbed the back of her head and put my dick at the her mouth she quickly put her mouth over my cock making me groan.
Couch Y/N pov
other me was popping a boner Hyori noticed and grabbed my sleeve pulling on it to grab my attention "Y/N your penis is hard" she said bluntly causing me to be suprised she usually only this blunt when she was just one person not two "is it because of me?" She said sweetly and had a cute smile on her face as she unzipped my pants and took off her skirt and underwear and bent over the table in the living room showing me her wet pussy and tight asshole  "Y/N did you really think that I wouldn't notice that you and Sadie were going at it in the bedroom I feel everything she does." Hyori said with her face red as a tomato "right now I feel the dick you are using to dick me down in my throat and it is turning me on right now" so how about we give Sadie a suprise"  Hyori said as she spread her tight hole I imidieatly pull down my pants and underwear my twelve inch magnum dong rubing her crotch getting it nice and lubricated as I got ready to give Hyori and Sadie a backdoor intrusion as I pushed in her backside I heard her moan as I put my face next to her ear "you don't know how much I been wanting to do this Hyori/Sadie." Both mes said at the same time "Y/N show no mercy to my behind" Hyori said as I started to get my full length inside her bowels making her squeak at the size of my cock inside of her.
Sadie's Pov
As I was suckling on Y/N'S cock I felt something odd as something poked at my asshole my eyes grew with shock as my asshole was penetrated by what felt like Y/N'S cock which didn't make sense 'unless' I thought as I turned and saw nothing 'no way she actually felt that and is retaliating' I thought as it felt as though Y/N pushed his dick all the way down my throat and my ass at the same time I swear it felt like I was in heaven.
Bedroom Y/N pov
I felt Sadie's mouth grow more wet as I pushed myself all the way down her throat it felt amazing who knew that she was this good at this I thought as I started to face fuck Sadie causing her to moan around my cock I fucked her face relentlessly and felt myself getting closer to cumming as I pushed dick all the way down her throat and came hard causing her belly to extend.
Couch Y/N
Hyori told me to show no mercy on her so I didn't I thrusted as hard and as fast as I can using quicksilver to maximize my speed causing the tailed girl under me to make some really slutty sounds and moans as I butt fucked her she started to finger herself "I told Sadie to do all those things to you because I wanted this Y/N you don't show me the same attention as Yato and Yukine so we came up with this plan I didn't want to join in until I felt her being dominated and liking it I hope you don't hate me" she said as I stopped fucking her and turned her to face me "I could never hate you you are one of my wives now." I said as I pushed my dick back into her asshole relentlessly fucking it "I love you Y/N I always have and always will" she screamed in between moans I could feel myself coming closer to orgasm as Hyori started to orgasm I saw her tounge lol out as she started to scream and squirt her liquids all over my upper body I then thrusted my hardest thrust as I came deep inside her asshole cumming a whole lot as I saw her stomache bulge from the amount of cum being pumped into her as I pull out I felt her grab my neck and bring my face down to hers "Y/N I want you to put a baby in me." She said as she grabbed my dick and put it at her pussy's entrance "Hyori are you sure you want me to do that to you're phantom form?" I asked as she said "I want to have 2 children and Sadie is already wanting you to fuck her pussy too so give us babies." She said as she grabbed my neck and kissed me deeply as I pushed. Right into the her tight wet coochie she moaned deeply as I felt the entrance to her womb start to pulse and suckle on my peen I shivered in pleasure causing Hyori to scream out in bliss she felt everthing in double because other me was currently dicking down Sadie when I thrusted hard she shivered in pleasure as I started to use quicksilver and thrust so dastardly fast that it caused Hyori and Sadie to orgasm so hard that they both fell unconscious but I wasn't close to cumming so I kept thrusting until I came deep inside their pussies inflating both their tummies making them look very pregnant I felt as though I made their wish come true as I saw how much semen leaked from each of their pussies I them turn myself back into one and sit back down only to see Yato and Yukine staring at me and my member as they both had a shocked expression and a bloodied nose they both fainted from the sight "what a wonderful time to be alive" I said as my phone ringed oh would you look at that another call, hello yeah I can be there brother" I said as I walked out the front door.
Woah that was the steamest chapter I've ever written Yato and Yukine will come next stay aware don't know when I will write it but it will be done before u leave

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