S2 Chapter 1

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No Ones pov
Yabo and Y/n are starting a new type of training for the youngest demon Hunter to make sure he was ready for any type of threat. "You know I'm starting to feel old already you are growing up to quickly." Y/n said as he leaned against a tree "well old man that's what happens when you sit in front of the tv all day ." Yabo said as he popped out and started to attack with a sword made of wood y/n blocked using a similar weapon "let me guess aunt Hiyori told you that." He said as he parried the blade to the left causing the ten year old to jump back "yeah she also said your a deadbeat that doesn't have any work ethic." The ten year old said as he smirked "heh little brat I see what your doing it's not going to work though." Y/n said as he saw through his sons plan to trick him into an attack based on anger.

then almost from nowhere "Greeting Spardas kin" an odd sounding voice said as Y/n pushed Yabo away and jumped back a chainsaw type weapon whipped towards him almost cutting his lower face in half Y/n grabbed Muramasa seemingly from the void he positioned himself for a fight "and you are?" Y/n asked as Yabo run to the nearest cover watching closely as his father and a off looking dog got into fighting stances "I am Bladewolf a demonic weapon made to serve" it said as it revealed itself it looked almost mechanical "a talking demonic robot dog basically." Y/n said as he relaxed a little "state your business here." Bladewolf said as it's tail started waving mimicking a dog waging its tail "me just sharping my skills teaching the boy how to fight but if there's a demon I'm more then willing to teach him some other time" Y/n said truthfully as he spun his sword like a revolver "you refer to Monsoon?" It said as it tilted its mechanical head "the one that holds your leash?" Y/n said as the demon started again "the one that issues my orders" "and your orders are to kill me?" Y/n interrupted "yes" Bladewolf said matter of factly."call me biased but those seem like pretty dumb orders pup why don't you try thinking for yourself." Y/n said as he sheathed his sword and walked past Bladewolf "for myself??" It contemplated then did a backflip over Y/n "should I disobey my orders my memories would be wiped." It said as it unsheathed its chainsaw and cut into the ground "well that's a pity." Y/n said as he got back into his fighting stance "I am sorry but you must die" Bladewolf said as it started to light up red "then I am sorry as well." Y/n said as he waited for Bladewold to make the first strike.

Music of the boss encounter

Then Bladewolf tossed Kunai that glowed red with heat Y/n Dodged by cartwheeling to the left and slashing at the demonic dog as it grabbed what seemed to be a chainsaw from its back using its tail slashing it around itself in a clockwise motion covering a larger area, quickly bringing the chainsaw down before throwing another kunai at the swordsman this caused the half demon to take a cut from the teeth of the blade as he backpedaled and jumped over the kunai "combination attack complete" the demon said as Y/n chuckled "seems you are taking the robot thing very seriously." He said as he sheathed his blade in favor of his two revolvers Hawkmoon and the last hand. Doing a gunslingers spin on the revolvers he started firing at the mechanical being while running right at it dropping his pistols to the holsters he equipped his mantis blades stabbing the demon a couple times before kicking it away it flipped to its feet before stowing the mantis blades charging itself with some red energy before jumping at the swordsman with claws ready to tear the flesh from his body seeing this Y/n attempts to jumps out of the way only to get hit with a kunai causing the man to flinch from the searing hot blade in his shoulder "lucky devil" y/n said as he manifested Griffon the bird familiar came out of the tattoos on the man swooping in to attack the demon dog using himself crashing into the dog Griffon ended up lifting the demon into the air see this y/n jumped up to the dog unsheathing his Muramasa and started attacking with overhead and horizontal cuts causing the demon dog to lose the chainsaw from the amount of damage it then jumped to a higher ground to avoid taking anymore damage.
"a savvy warrior uses all help it has *howl*"

Bladewolf cried out as several demons jumped into the makeshift arena this is when Yabo jumped into the action using the wooden training sword like a club hitting one of the 4 demons that hopped into the battle Y/n saw this whistled to get the attention of the child throwing Muramasa to him as he then broke the sword over the head of the demon then flipped towards the sword grabbing it and slicing the demons head off as Y/n smiled he pulled his two revolvers from the holsters running straight towards the two closest to him firing six shots into each demon then letting Griffon attack with his lightning causing them to catch fire due to the high voltage running over to Yabo who at this point was slicing at the last demon with Muramasa quite awkwardly considering the blade was larger then him and slightly heavy to the Young Tri-breed he dropped the blade as he used his body to tackle the demon to the ground and stomping on its bug like head before jumping back allowing his father to finish off the demon using the Muramasa that was dropped picking it up with his foot and tossing it up to his hand he split the demon in two halves That's when Bladewolf jumped back down to fight the half demon and his son jumping straight towards Yabo it attempts to sink its teeth into the boy but is stoped when Y/n grabbed its tail and yanked it towards him slamming the demon into the ground "down Fido" he says as he activates devil trigger mode causing his power to surge he kicks Bladewolf into the air and grabs his tail spinning the demon around before slamming it into the ground and stomping on it making the armor on the demon to break and splinter y/n then manifested his exalted blade time seemed to slow as Y/n chopped the demon into pieces effectively killing the demon. "I lost? How I'm supposed to be perfect?" Bladewolf questioned "you fight because your forced to, I fight cause I want to." Y/n answered as he sheathed his exalted blade "I am flawed?" The demon continued as Y/n interrupted "now now I am quite good you know" then a ball of energy emerged from the demon Yabo went towards it mesmerized by it "well go ahead then" Y/n said as he smiled Yabo instinctively put his hand over the orb when it turned into a smaller sized Bladewolf. "Well you always said you wanted a dog guess we can compromise with Wolfy here." Y/n said as Yabo looked to his father "I can keep him?" He questioned happily "well yes I wouldn't let you make him into a Devil arm only to then let let you keep it." Y/n answered as he held up a finger "the only thing is I get to take him demon hunting to when I need an extra hand." He continued as Yabo hugged the demonic dog "thank you dad" he exclaimed as they started to be more weary of the situation "we should get out of here before wolfy's boss shows up I can't risk you getting hurt to bad when you still aren't fully trained you are getting there though let's go home." Y/n said as the three made their way to the van where Nero was waiting.

(A/n this is what I got done for now got a lot more work to do just in between writing not sure when the next chapter will come out not anytime soon that's for sure thanks for the support see next chapter.)

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