Chapter 20

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No ones POV
As the hero's stand up against the demon Yato kept holding on to y/n her eyes were closed trying not to burst into tears that's when Nero revs red queen and runs into battle swinging at the demon when the demon stops the blade with Muramasa then pushing him away and teleporting right next to Dante slashing at the half demon only to get hit with a summoned sword by Vergil this caused the demon to get angry and throw his sword at the eldest son of Sparda that's when V decided to get Griffon to shoot the sword out of the air with a lightning ball, that's when shadow came up behind the demon and snatched at his leg causing the demon to lose his balance that's when Dante stabbed right through the demon pushing the blade through its chest causing the demon to flail out in anger slapping the middle child away from him and pushing him away "damn you" the demon said looking at his human self "it is your fault!" He said running to the unconscious human body of y/n that's when Muramasa came cutting his arm making the demon groan in pain  and turn to the white haired Yato whom had red eyes and tear streaks "it pains me to do this Y/n but I will not let you kill yourself" she said holding Muramasa in the way Y/n always did, and it angered the demon to see someone using the same stance that the weaker side of him would use that made the from chuckle "do you think you can honestly beat me Yato-kami" the demon said in a prideful matter "I know I'm on par with Y/n if a little weaker I can hold you off while we do what we need to." She said as the transformation wore off and she held her ground waiting for the demon to make the first attack she called upon her regalia to use as a second weapon a just in case while she used the power of the Muramasa that's when Vergil came at her side using Yamato ran at the demon with Bell at his side all three slashing at the demon while Dante and Nero shot at the demon with their respective guns this made the demon more annoyed making it oblivious to the human who was slowly stirring awake clutching his hand and a blade popped out of his arm as he got up and saw what was going on Yato and Vergil were slashing at the demon that caused the human form of y/n to run up behind the from the demon his blade cutting through the water causing a ripple in the water as his stuck the blade through the chest of the demon releasing some demonic energy to do more damage he called out to Dante "give me the Dante I need to borrow it brother!" He said as the demon try to claw the human off his back the sword came flying at him as he caught it he turned it on the demon and him "no what are you doing!?" The demon yelled at the human form of the two "you and I-" the human said as he stabbed him and the demon through the chest causing the demon to disappear into yellow energy and fly onto the human "are one in the same." He finished as the yellow energy began to start changing him to a full yellow form leaving his eyes to be seen his demon form washed over him and left one being "Y/n is that you?" Yato said coming closer to the man she loved "yes it's me Kami-sama." Y/n said having his original form with a brown jacket with a samurai on the back that's when Dante, Vergil, V, and Nero came up next to him Dante grabbed the hilt of his sword and picked it up putting a hand on Y/n while Vergil and Nero stood next then Yato came to Y/n's face and slapped him "never do that to me again." She said as she hugged him and cried in shoulder as he hugged her back and popped a blade from his arm poking the goddess with the blade causing her to Yelp and jump back they all laughed it off as the camera panned out of the shrine and showed the whole city.

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