Chapter 7 the hunt

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Yato's POV
It feels strange going off with Y/N on a hunt like this but it does help me get closer to him I think he doesn't know about my feelings about him but his feelings are the same about me that I have about him but time will tell me Yukine and Y/N are getting to hunt some major Demon that's been making trouble on this island tourist dying and animals disappearing "so what type of demon are we hunting  Y/n?" Yukine asked "probably just a ice based demon considering that we are on a snowy island, I don't really know" he informed as a red energy barrier appeared around us suddenly lesser demons that looked like Flys appeared from the ground "yeah time to do some work hold this will you." Y/N said as he handed me a map "I think it's time for a little road-rash!" He said in excitement as he grabbed his motorcycle chainsaw thing and used it as a bike to run over one of the fly demons and then jumped it into the air turning it into twin chainsaw swords and using it to cleave one in half then using one of the halves to drive it on the ground in a mini donut then using the other to saw at a demon that was in the sky then while jumping he pulled his two guns firing at three demons and started to summon back his bike and Griffin using the bird to fly into the sky and use his chainsaw bike to cut the last two demons at the same time then he lifted his head "how's that for road-rash?" He asked in a mocking aditude I was staring at him with awe and shock he noticed "jeez I know I'm good looking and all but at least take a picture it'll last longer." He said as I looked away and blushed a dark red "j-jeez Y/N you don't need to embarrass me like that." I said as I waved my arms around and pouted he chuckled and patted my head I grabbed that hand and kept it there "Y/N I want to talk to you after this if that's ok." I said as he put a hand on my face "alright then Kami-sama." He teased me l-lets just go kill this demon." I said as we started to move forward "He likes you Yato~" Yukine teased as I blushed harder and moved foward.

A/n to be continued

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