Chapter 15

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No Ones POV
A portal opens as two figures come out both with white hair walking out to a roof "damn it so close I'm getting better." One of the figures said as they walked over to the side looking over the side overlooking a hooded fellow with a katana walking into a warehouse. "We should follow him not sure what type of trouble he could get into." The other figure said as they dropped down.

Inside the warehouse
"Hello anyone there?" Y/n said holding his katana waiting for something to come out at him as a red demon jumped out of nowhere to slash at the young hunter only to be hit by a demonic bird and hit with purple lightning "see Y/n this is what happens when you don't pay enough attention to your surroundings dumbass V would of at least been weary of his surroundings even the dumb kitty would of know that." Griffon said as the demonic bird landed on his hilt starring at the young hunter "what you starting to miss V Griffon?" Y/n said as he pulled his pistols out aiming at the fury firing only for it to jump into the void again waiting for the demon to pop back out he put his weapons away and grabbed a hold of Muramasa firing the sword at the demon right before it hits him causing the demon to stumble back when a blue blur came by hitting the demon Y/n was very surprised to say the least "I curse my stars in bitter grief and woe, that made my love so high and me, so low." The woman said as she toyed with what looked to be Yamato and closed her book Y/n was confused as was Griffon who at this point was on Y/n head "she looks like V" y/n whispered as an other man similar in every way to him cut the demon from his arm across his chest causing a huge flash on the stationary demon who looked to be frozen in time. As the V look a like sheathed the Yamato look a like "V-San do you know this one?" The boy that looked like Y/n said looking and said person with a curious tilt to his head.
To be continued...
A/n getting back in the groove of things this is a sample and a test for myself

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