Chapter 19

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No ones POV

In the abandoned shrine five figures were seen a dark demon looking creature growled in an animalistic nature holding out his arm catching Y/n's Muramasa while Rabo held his blade waiting for an attack the human held out a pistol and clutched his left hand causing a blade to emerge from his forearm it resembled a mantis blade the goddess on her back looked at the two figures getting ready to fight the other god of calamity "y-y-y/n is that you" she said weakly as the human one came over to her slowly "don't worry we got this rest." The human said touching the goddess with his hand his black hair flowed to white as he summoned Griffon "are you ready for a fight?" the human asked as the demon rushed in powering his blade with pitch black energy causing the blade to change into a modified Devil sword the color was a dark black with a blood red energy surrounding the blade the demon held the blade in a reverse grip that's when suddenly Griffon rushed into battle hitting the god in bombing run type move the lighting the god with a lightning strike "burn baby burn" the nightmare said as the demon jumped in right as the nightmare hit the god with the strike causing the god to fly back the human stayed back firing his pistol at the god the explosion of the bullet hitting caused the god to get annoyed slicing through the nightmare as if it were nothing then dashed towards the human slashing down only to be stopped by the gun and stabbed with the mantis blade then slashed at with the modified Muramasa and pushed into the blade deeper he pushed of the the gun slashed at the demon causing the demon to jump back angrily "this has gone on long enough you abomination" Rabo said cutting the human and pushing him back towards the goddess "are you ok y/n?" The goddess asked the skin flakes started to fall from him "fuck not yet." He said as he stood up only to fall back down the goddess got up from the ground slightly shaking Yukine waking her regalia "Yuki we need to help y/n." Yato said as she called Yukine into her sword form grabbing hold of the blade and then running straight towards Rabo and demon y/n cutting into the fight slicing at the weakened Rabo slicing his arm straight off the god screamed out in pain as demon y/n cut his chest open causing the god to fall to the ground skin flakes falling off due to his curse "why Rabo why did you do it?" Yato asked as the god lay face down into the water "Did what? Want a final fight from one that has the same title as I?" The god said as he finally started to laugh slightly causing Yato to get angry at the god "god of calamities aren't wanted anymore and soon you will meet my fate too especially with abomination growing within you." The fallen god said as Yato ran a hand over her belly "maybe I will Rabo although my odds of survival are through the roof with my lover by my side." She stated as Rabo disintegrated into the water that's when Bell and V came along with three more figures one with a red coat and Snow White hair, another with a black coat and white hair and the last blue coat white hair there she pointed out the demon y/n as he held his modified blade in his hand ready to fight "step aside lady" the red coat wearing man said summoning a blade to his hand "we need to weaken him" the black coat one said unsheathing his blade "don't worry we won't kill him because he is family" the blue coat one said pulling out a double barreled revolver the demon got into a stance and grabbed the goddess and pushed her away from the fight Bell grabbed her and pulled her back while unsheathing his knife holding it in a reverse grip "Dante Vergil, and Deadweight how nice it is to see you especially my two brothers do you have any understanding how I felt when you two would fight and leave me out of it I bet you didn't the constant shadow I was living in being treated like I'm not there no longer will that happen I will not go back. after I got my revenge on that god I was going to find a way to get more powerful to defeat the two of you." The demon side said causing the cockiest of them to scoff "well that's quite the plan but I can sense the kiddo in the lady here and we can't let you do that to her." That's when the human side came up behind with the intention of stabbing the demon got stabbed through the stomach and tossed towards the combatants "y/n?!" Yato screamed in horror as her lovers human side was stabbed and thrown towards them he lay on the floor next to them all Yato grabbed him as she let Yukine change back as the both had a hand on him as he lay in pain "Dante Vergil please defeat him." The human side said as he fell unconscious Nero came up next ready to fight the demon "ah yes the pathetic spawn of Vergil you will learn here that you 'Devil breakers' will not be enough." The demon said as he got into a fighting stance "hmm yeah I guess your right it's a good thing we five are here." Nero said as he changed into his Devil form Dante and Vergil both got ready to fight the demon and V pulled her cane and book out while Bell held his knife and hand out. "Curious, I see I shall defeat all of you then" the demon said holding the blade in a defensive stance "let's dance"

To be continued...

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