chapter 2

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"SPARDA'S kin in my domain I thought I would never be able to kill him when I was banished to this dimension and now here you are not in the demon world nor the human world but a new one entirely." Cerberus said as Yato Yuki and the third girl were standing next to me "who is SPARDA?" Yato asked "my father and the reason why demons won't leave me and my family alone." I answered as I started to walk towards the Cerberus "you dare approach me foul scented creature." The demon said as I got ready by throwing a couple punches in to the air "you know I remember a stinky lil ol pooch just like you." I said thinking about the time me and Dante went through the Qliphot and The Temen-ni-gru "you have fought our kin in the past but they were weak because they were slaves but I are free of all control." The demon said as I looked at the girls "so you're a stray dog then or are you waiting for your owner to show up if not I can take you for a walk." I taunted "you insolent fool I told you I am nobodies puppet leave now or die!!" It said as it blew a fire ball at me it hit the floor just a few steps away from me then I got into my fighting position "looks like we are going to need a bigger leash come on." The free demon rushed me as I was putting a new song on with random

"Well it's time Yato Yuki and other girl don't get in our way this is between us." I said as I rushed towards Cerberus with Muramasa unsheathing the sword with the trigger to cause more pain for Cerberus as he expressed by screaming "you know I wonder how many people you killed in this area to feed off their blood." I said looking at the demon "I kill any and all that opposes me Kin of SPARDA!" Cerberus yelled out I then pull out Shadow and Mist "Gunslinger" I yell to activate that style and used the full auto trigger system on mist while I fire a powerful shot infused with demonic energy from shadow I pull Muramasa back out when Cerberus stumbles and falls down I rush him and use my exalted blade again this time using it to just send slash wave after slash wave causing it to get annoyed "stop with that and die already!" Cerberus said as he clawed at me and hit me enough for me to fall to the floor and loose more of my breath "aghh." I yelled in pain as the demon grabbed me with it's mouth causing me more pain then I heard Yato "Sekki!" She said as I saw Yuki turn into her sword and her and Yato run up to and slash at Cerberus' legs causing him enough pain to let me go. "I owe you three now Yato but I said this is between me and him." I said as I started to tap into my devil trigger again "the half-breed needs help from a pathetic girl to defeat me hahaha" the demon said mocking me "I don't need help to kick your ass buddy if I wanted this fight could of been over a few seconds ago." I said while smiling "lies you were at my mercy I'll rip you to pieces with my next attack!" Cerberus yelled as he slashed me with his claws causing blood to come out and me to fall to the ground "Y/N!!" I heard Yato yell
Yato's POV
When Y/N got struck with the phantoms claws I felt sadness for him "Y/N!!" I yelled as he fell to the ground blood all over his torso "the half-breed is dead now to move on to the others wait what the-." The phantom said as he got cut off.

I saw something grab it by it's tail it was Y/N he was standing up and he grabbed the tail of the phantom when he did "Yato how did he-" Yukine new said as I cut her off "don't worry about it he's about to handle this I can feel it" I said then Y/N changed into a different being again for the second time "What's wrong you look like you just seen a ghost?" He asked in an echoey voice "golden wing!" He yelled as the second person or being came back "Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda!" The being yelled as he punched and kicked the phantom to death when it fell down Y/N changed back "you are powerful kin of SPARDA and you have been found by me. the others in this dimension will be all over youuuu" it said as he turned into a orb of light that Y/N reached out to      "Y/N don't touch that we don't know what that is." I said as he turned to me "But I do." He said as he touched the orb and it turned into nun-chucks with a circle "is that a regelia?!" Yuki be screamed as she reverted back into her human form "no a phantom can't become a regelia it's impossible this is something else." I said as I saw Y/N smirk then he readied them to use

(A/N To lazy to write out the details here's what you do )

"Well looks like I've got some explaning to do." He said as I looked at him "yeah you do 'Kin of SPARDA'" I said as I poked him on his chest.
That was pretty long for a fight scene

(A/N I know but I think it came out great don't you?)

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