Chapter 17

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No-ones POV
In the Devil may cry building Y/n was being told what has happened to him as he sits next to a female V and her friend Bell "what do you mean you were Vergil's humanity it doesn't make any logical sense." Y/n said as he rubbed his head in frustration as Bell chuckled "you know you act a lot like Dante." Bell said as he was hit with V's cane a Yelp of pain was emitted from the young man as Y/n stood up "I'm going to find that girl with the raven colored hair she seemed sad when I couldn't remember her." He said going out of the room, then down the stairs to the lobby seeing the woman with her blonde friend getting her head patted when she saw Y/n walk down to her she froze staring at the ground "Yuki can you leave me and Y/n by ourselves?" She asked sitting up still staring into the ground "yeah sure I'll go upstairs with the rest of them." The blonde woman said walking towards the stairs. "I'm sorry for putting you through this lady." Y/n said as the woman interrupts my name is Yato Y/n and I forgive you but I can't forgive myself for letting you go on that job alone." She said as Y/n went to sit down next to Yato moving over slightly to be as close as possible to her "from the way you moved out of the room and the way your talking I can see that you and I had something I just wish that I could remember the times shared by us." Y/n said trying to cheer up the lady next to him "your not mad at me? she asked surprises looking up at the young hunter "why would I be mad? I'm the one that made the mistake it's my fault that this happened not yours." He said hooking his arm around the goddess "how about you and me go somewhere to have some fun~" Y/n flirted to the goddess who launched her arms around the hunter and said "I would say take the lead lovely." The goddess said as Y/n picked her up bridal style and took her upstairs.

Other side of door
"V-San what do you think is going to happen with this Y/n?" Bell asked V who was doing the hair of Yukine "no clue but one thing is for sure he's going to need our help." V said as she finished with Yuki's hair making Yuki's hair look exactly like hers "wow thanks V-neechan." Yuki said obviously liking the hair style "V-San did you make her hair look like yours by accident or was it intentional?" Nell asked as he got looked at with a stern looking V "foolishness Bell why would I do that on purpose?" She said turning away obviously lying through her teeth. When all of a sudden the door swung open to Yato and Y/n who was carrying the former in a bridal carry "everyone out now we have some business to attend." Y/n said with a smirk as everyone grew 3 shades redder causing Yato to get stung by Yuki "oh Bell Yuki let's go to that ice cream shop down the road." V suggested getting everyone to leave the room and possibly the building.

Lemon scene read at you own risk

virginity is cool stay pure

"Now where were we." Y/n said dropping the goddess on the bed who immediately took off her jacket and shirt revealing her breasts and then her pants showing she wasn't wearing panties or a bra "naughty little goddess not wearing anything underneath." Y/n said who was in the process of taking off his shirt and pants "it's expensive to buy things like that I don't have that much money Y/n"Yato said as she started to feel his skin feeling a soft and slightly scarred body Y/n was doing the exact same thing feeling the goddesses skin which was perfect and soft making him get ansty and immediately hard "how long were you waiting for this Yato days or weeks?" Y/n asked releasing his 6 inch piece from his underwear and layed down next to her as she sat up and climbed on top of him she answered "ever since that hunting expedition we went on." She said as she moved her panties off to the side and slowly lower herself onto his sword handling it like the swordswoman she is, she gasped as her most precious spot was penetrated by the demon 'a demon and a goddess going at it this world is crazy.' She thought as she started to move y/n immediately moved his hand to her ass grabbing her cheeks and pushing up into her pussy this caused the goddess to scream out in pleasure as his sudden move got him all the way to her womb. 'I wonder if I could get pregnant?' Yato thought as she started to get happy "Y/n I want you to give me a baby." She said having and getting a flushed face from the demon "are you sure?" He asked as he swapped positions with her now he was on top "positive." She said as Y/n just started to pump his hips into the goddess getting moans and pleas to go faster he eventually gave her what she wanted going as fast as he could in his human form causing her to move her legs around the demon hunter and screaming out in mind blowing pleasure "I'm coming Y/n!" She said as he kept giving her the best time of her life and then she tightened around him causing his orgasm to come as well "are you ready Yato cause here it comes!" Y/n said as he sheathed himself all the way into her busting his way through her womb causing her even more pleasure pressing his lips to hers giving her a very passionate kiss and then releasing his essence into the goddess causing her to look pregnant by at least a month as he pulled out causing his cum to drip out of her snatch he got her on her hands and knees as he got ready to penetrate another one of her holes she turned her head at the young Devil " look whose the naughty one now Y/n-San." As y/n penetrated the small tight hole the goddess screamed out in pain and pleasure causing the demon hunter to smirk and grab a hold of her breasts tweaking the nipples of the goddess causing her pleasure as he started to move he noticed that a pinkish purple eye was watching them he thought he was hallucinating tho and kept on going down on the beauty bellow him hearing her moan was enough for him to go even faster "y/n cum for me I need you too" Yato said as Y/n pulled out and pushed his Willy into her snatch causing her more pleasure and her second orgasm of the day then Y/n was approaching his limit and sheathed himself into the goddess filling her womb up for the second time as he fell to the bed tired and the goddess who latched her arms around the demon hunter and just layed down in the bed together "don't ever forget about me again Y/n I wouldn't be able to handle it." The goddess said the the sleeping half demon and tossed the blankets over themselves as the door closed slowly not making a noise we pan over to Hiyori who was watching the entire time "hah no way they did it huh." She said as she pulled up her clothing leaving a wet spot right where she was "I need to get that lady away from my Y/n." She said as she went downstairs texting her parents telling them she was staying at a friends house and then laying down on the couch closing her eyes and heading to sleep.
To be continued
A/n I swear next chapter is going to be the fight between Rabo and Yato hand to my heart

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