chapter 13

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No One's Pov

All was quiet near the Devil may cry building the neighboring building were all locked and secure then a man flew out the front door of the Devil May Cry building, the owner of the building walked out casually flipping his pair of dual m1911s "come on I'm starting to get bored over here." Y/N said as he holstered his pistols and put his hands on his sword and it's sheathe, the timer of his watch is shown to have 6 minutes as he pulls his phone to play a song.

As the God started to sprint towards him Y/N just stood there waiting when the man stood 2 feet away he hit the trigger on the sheathe making the blade fly out hitting the man in the head pushing him back as Y/N just grabbed the Kitana and held it in one hand slashing his sword at the God with it, letting a little energy out making a mini exalted blade slash hitting the man enough to damage him but only little damage was done. That's when Y/N summoned Griffin who laughed as he was summoned hovering over Y/N 'Griffin go and flank them' Y/N used their mental link Griffin then flew behind the man to attack but the man saw this coming and slashed the demon bird in two making Griffin turn into a ball on the floor "I did not expect that but I was expecting the unexpected so that's something." Y/N said as he holds up his sword and sheathe in an odd stance he calls blind justice with his right hand on the hilt of the blade and the left on the sheathe holding the sword in front of him, the God he was facing never seen such a stance and was cautious. The God walked towards the white haired man as he slashed not close enough to hit the half demon which confused him until it clicked that he was going to use a move that resembled a Vergil type slash so the man braced and tried to block it, when a water type of exalted blade attack hit him wounding him a little "finally a challenge it's been quite a while since I had a good fight." The half demon said as he flipped his hair back his watch is seen to have 2 minutes left on the timer when he starts to glow red and starts to unleash his devil trigger the God looked at the powerful male the God had to find a way to subdue him to erase the males memories of Yato to get the leverage over the God he needed Y/N just stood still for a second before running over to the God using Muramasa to preform a judgement cut that's when the God got winded and was on one knee as the timer hit 0 and the alarm went off Y/N changed back to his original form "play time is over." Y/N said as he jumped to the top of a building "I expected a more of a challenge from you how disappointing." Y/N said as he slashed open a portal with his blade leaving the God with the Nora he was using "time to go with plan B" the God said to no one in particular.

To be continued...

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