fun times with the goddess

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This is going to spoil a lot for what I have planned for this story read at your own discretion.





It's been a few days since Yato beat the fuck out of me for having sex with Yukine.
Yato and My Son, Yaboku is sitting in my lap after Kyrie and Nero dropped him off. lucky for me and Yato Nero and Kyrie wanted to watch the child because they plan to have their own and wanted to get used to taking care of one. We were sitting watching spongebob on the TV Yato wants him to have a normal life not one like ours but demons aren't going to leave him alone so I want to train him as a demon hunter, "Dad when is Nero and Kyr picking me up?" Yaboku asked as he got up and started to stretch out his legs and arms. "Very soon Yabo jeez you are more energetic than your father." Said Yato as she entered the room with popcorn "well he can't help it he's still a child Yato." Yukine said as she got ready to go with Hyori and Sadie to the mall as a knock on the door came and Yabo ran towards it to open it up to see Nero and Kyrie standing there "well its time for us to go don't wait up guys Yukine said as she Hyori and Sadie exited "hey little chump how are you." Nero asked as he ruffled Yabo's hair as Yabo just grabbed his hand and pulled him over his shoulder pushing him to the ground "don't call me chump?!" Yabo yelled at Nero as Yato looked at our Son and then me "where did he learn to do that Babe?" She asked in a passive agreesive voice I tried to sneak my way out of this by standing up "well look at the time I think it's time to go on a job." I said as I started to walk away only to be grabbed by the goddess her hair changed to it's pale white look obviously angry at me as she hit me with her leg right in my leg causing me to fall over "Nero help me please." I begged weakly as Yato glared at Nero basically saying 'don't help him' Nero just shrugged and walked away "sorry Y/N you are on your own." He said as he Kyrie and Yaboku left the house leaving me and Yato by ourselves I started to crawl away from her "please please have mercy." I begged as Yato tilted her head and moved closer towards me "Mercy, there is no mercy." She said as she started to slap the fuck out of me then her hair returned to it's raven color as got off and got back on the couch while I stayed down on the floor laying there then I realized no one was home but me and her and got a evil idea as I crawled to the bedroom and grabbed some rope and went to the couch where she was sitting and grab her tying her hands together and push her to the floor "w-what are you doing Y/N?!" Yato screamed as her face was red and felt her hands constricted "since no one is here I thought maybe that you'd want to try something new." I wispered suductivly in her ear her face grew 50 shades redder as she gained a nose bleed I then began to take off her tracksuit that she seemed to always wear "I know what you were doing that night you were mad in our room two days ago one of those dreams and I know what you wanted me to do I was awake I heard it all." I smirked as evil as I can and pulled my cock out she started to rub her legs together obviously getting turned on "I think I should punish you for what you did earlier how about we do something I haven't done to you yet." I said as I turned her on her belly and grabbed her cheeks to see her tightest hole clearly and started to eat her ass I heard her squeak as my tounge touched the rim of her ass hole getting it lubricated and ready for an intrusion I then went all in and got on my knees and thrusted into the backdoor the goddess blushing under me tried to get free of the rope little did she know that the rope was a devil arm itself she kept moaning as I thrusted into her I groaned as I felt her bowels stroke my cock she kept struggling against the rope her hair changed to it's devil trigger hair she struggled even harder until she decided to twist herself over to her back and wrap her binded arms around my neck "Y/N sweetie do me harder." She said with a cat like look to her  and I obliged basically fucking the complete fuck out i then moved my cock from her anus to her pussy causing her to moan out in pleasure "Yato are you ok?" I asked concerned for my first wife "yes I-I am fine baby just give me a second I forgot how good you feel ." She said as I had an idea an awful idea and thrusted as fast as I could with quicksilver causing her to scream from the amazing pleasure that she was receiving she was moaning like a slutty whore that's when I took the rope off of her and noticed that her hair was starting to go back to the Raven color that it was but hints of white were still there meaning she wasn't done yet I kept thrusting hard into her as she came as hard as she ever did Mr doing the exact same cumming straight into her womb. She started to inflate from all the cum inside of her making her look 3 months pregnant again she fell asleep on the couch from the intensity I picked her up and took her to the bedroom where she spent the rest of the day.

A/N I will be continuing the story from chapter 13 when I come back or have time thanks for reading hope you enjoyed

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