chapter 6 the shop

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(Timeskip to a few months from the last chapter is brought to you by young Y/N reading poetry and fighting young Dante at the same time)

I was sitting down in the new Devil May Cry building waiting for a call when the power got shut out for the third time "I now know how Dante feels this hurts my pride." I said as I started to read the weapons magazine to my right of the desk when I fell asleep.

David the Info Broker's Pov

'Well it's time to tell Y/N about this job I got for him.' I thought as I started to whistle as I entered his work place/home "uh you could of at least knocked David!" He said frustrated "yeah I could have but I didn't now I got some good news and some bad news pick your posion." I said as I opened the pizza box by his desk "*yawns* just speak." He said as he slammed a magazine on the desk "bad news it is lady Iki's feathers are all ruffled see she wants to invite you to her birthday party but your phone is disconnected." I said as I found the perfect chair to sit in as I pulled my cigars "you're a smart one David you notice the gas and water are out too?" He asked knowing I knew the answer for that "I would expect nothing less." What's the good news?" He asked "oh I got a gig cash up front." I said as he sat back up cash up front this I like the power needs turning on and those toilets need flushing." He said as I started to walk towards his desk and toss the envelope full of money "water gas and electric coming out of your cut." I said as he looked at the envelope then the power turned on "alright David tell me where is this job" he asked as his phone rang he picked up the phone "Devil May Cry." He answered the Phone "Y/N Y/N you know how many times u tried to call you like a billion oh my god tonight's my birthday I'm turning 16 can you-" he hung up he tried to speak until the phone rang again he pulled the wire out "okay David I'll take you up on that job but only if you can get me away from that hell is birthday party" he said as I smirked at him "consider your RSVP declined." I said as he celebrated "any way the place you are going is a small island where dwmon activities have been happening a lot as of lately." I said as I stood up "I'm going to find Yato and Yukine bring them in on this." He looked annoyed "What you don't think I can handle this alone." It's a big job a big job Y/N." I said as I exited the building searching for the ladies.

(A/N another short chapter how did you like it leave you comments and I hope you have a wonderful day.)

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