chapter 5 a new foe

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"Mom?" I said in shock she tilted her head in confusion to what I said 'it can't be it has to be a demon playing to be her to kill me or something.' I thought as I grabbed Mist and Shadow from the holsters on my back "How dare you take on my mother's likeness demon I will kill you for insulting her with this illusion!" I screamed as I started to run towards her "Y/N no!" I heard Yato-sama yell as I rushed the Demon with mist and shadow firing round after round she grabbed the claymore on her back slicing at me with the blade it got stuck very close to my head when she struck at me "now is that anyway to treat your mother." She said in mocking way "you abomination of a demon I ought to strip the meat from your bones for who you are trying to imatate!" I screamed as put the guns back into their holsters and grabbed Muramasa With my right hand drawing the sword from it's sheathe slashing at her again only for her to block my blade with the claymore she had 'this demons fast' I thought as she kicked my legs out from under me causing me to fall and get kicked away "ouch that hurt you bitch" I said as I got back up I sheathed Muramasa and decided to summon Griffin he popped out from the tattoos on my arms "I'm back in action" he said as he flew by the imposter nicking her on the neck "you use phantoms as an ally you violate the natural order of things here." She said as she pointed her weapon at me and tried to get in close immediately I grab the sheathe's trigger and pulled the blade flew out and I stopped her blade in it's tracks "how did you-" she tried but was stopped when I kicked her back a few feet "looks like I have the advantage." I said as I readied my weapon Griffin flies around the battle using his lighting strike around the imposter pretending to be my mom "hmmm not so tough after all ain't ya?" I said as I looked over to where Yato-sama was standing only to see that she was gone "huh where did Yato-sama go." I said to myself as Griffin made his eay back to the tattos on my arms then the lion jumped down to the demon's side "lady Bishimon are you alright?" It asked the imposter "I'm alright just didn't expect a mortal to parry the blade." She said 'wait mortal demons don't talk like that.' I thought "so you're not a demon." I said as I knelt before her "I'm sorry I thought you were a demon ma'am" I said as I put Muramasa back into the sheathe sending it to a pocket dimension "who are you and why did you call me mom" she asked still gripping her weapon holding it defensively "I am Y/N Redgrave and the reason I called you mother is because you look like her Ma'am." I said holding a picture of mom that I had in my pocket I saw her earing turn into a man that looked closely at the Image "huh guess that does look like you Veena" he said to the woman "Indeed it does Kazuma." She said as he went behind her "I'm just going to walk away now and pretend this didn't happen." I said then out of nowhere I froze up 'what why can't I move' I thought as I saw the man Kazuma with two fingers pointed at me 'he's doing this somehow.' I thought as I tried and tried to move "there is no use in struggling kid you won't be able to break free." He said as he pushed up his glasses "we will see about that" I said summoning Griffin "haha" Griffin screamed as he rushed at the woman using a rush attack but it was a mistake to do that as he was cleaved in half 'fuck' I thought as I started to gather Demonic energy "that little phantom was worthless he is no longer with us." Bishimon said obviously not realizing that he could get revived if I got closer to him she started to walk towards me "the heavens are going to get their sorcerer" she said as she raised her sword "any last words?" She asked as I tried to gather enough energy for a devil trigger "I will be back for your life" I said in an eire voice as she swung her sword down cutting me enough for any human to be in a fatal situation I opened my eyes only to see Yato rush Bishimon with Yukine in sword form "you will not touch him!" She screamed as she slashed at the lady Bishimon slashed back and Kazuma went back into being an earing Yato was using Yukine to be on the defensive as Bishimon slashed "Yato release Nightmare's power!" I screamed blood coming out of the wound Bishimon made as she raise her fingers into the air and snapped causing her hair to become white and eyes red "You ready for round 2 crazy lady" she said in an Erie voice as she started to use her new power to overpower the other Goddess I saw Hiyori to my right where she grabbed me by the shoulders dragging me "win Yato win." I said as I passed out so my healing factor would work faster.
Yato's POV
I thought that Y/N would be able to overpower the Crazy Lady but she used her looks to her advantage "I'm not surprised you are protecting such scum Yatogami after all you are not a honorable woman." She said as she tried to get me back to the defensive but the demonic power inside of me raged at seeing Y/N hurt and I don't know why "you can't save him he is already on his way to the farshore no mere mortal could withstand that cut." Bishimon said as she got a lucky shot in and tagged my neck with cut "I'll kill you for what you did to my friend" I said as I started to overpower the Goddess then I told Yukine to release shadow "reap what you sow" I said as shadow emerged from the tattoos on Yukine's body and started to attack Bishimon using it's tail as I blade forcing her to move back my hair flowed back to it's raven color as I felt my power up to fade now I was more vulnerable "so you also use phantoms as a ally Yatogami." She said as she backed up from shadow on the defensive still then shadow used a move that turned him into a bunch of spikes near her stain her with the spikes "aghh" she screamed in pain as she flew back a few feet "Yato I got her!" Yukine said to me estatic as I smiled good job kid we manage to put her on the defensive and damage her." I said as I looked at her she was bleeding from the holes on her body "I don't feel blighted but I was hit by a phantom?" She said in confusion "that's because the animals that me a Y/N summoned were not phantoms they were something more powerful demons." I said as she stared at me "demons aren't real that's just what the humans think phantoms are on the off chance that they see them Yatogami." She said loudly as she stood back up trying to attack me again but this time I was able to parry her then I thought about it for a second "let you self heal before you attack me again you broad!" I screamed as Y/N came from out of nowhere "Let's go Yato-sama let's get out of here" he said as he unsheathed Muramasa and slashed a portal open "come on so I can close it." he said as he slashed at Bishimon and parried with her to kick her back he materialized his new Devil's arm as he drove next to me and grabbed me I blushed a deep red feeling a little more protected and safe when I was in his arms then he sat me down right behind him with Yukine in my hand as Shadow came back and went back into Yukine's blade 'don't think I can't sense your feelings for Y/N Yato' she said in my mind 's-shut up Yukine you feel the same way!" I yelled as we made it through the portal to Hiyori's room "here we are he" said as he fell to one knee and put up an arm when we went to help him up "I'm fine don't worry about me." He said as he layed down on the floor catching his breath "it's about time I settled down buy a place like Dante did." He said as he closed his eyes.

(A/N I rushed the shit out of this chapter btw new story coming up soon check it out when It does Red dead Goblinslayer hope you have a great day goodbye)

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