Chapter 9 Pandoras box

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"Do you say anything!?" I said annoyed at the silence the guy in green was giving everyone he shaked his head no and pointed at his throat then I heard a Voice coming from his armour sounding robotic "the slayer hasn't spoken a word to anyone for eons and doesn't plan to." A voice informed "can you at least tell us what to call you?" Yato asked "He is known by many names but he uses the name Doomslayer." The voice informed when we all stopped near a door
Yato's POV
Y/N went to open the door and when he did we saw two florescent naked ladies dancing suductivly my eye started to twitch but then something that annoyed me more I heard Y/N give them a cat call "yeah baby come here" he said as I gripped Yukine so hard that she was shaking I saw him slide over to the ladies as he got close to the left one and was right in her breasts he then backed up before they could grab him I looked over at the Doomslayer where he was just confused with the scene unfolding in front of us Y/N then slid back bending his body so he was close to the one on the rights butt then he layed down on the ground waiting for them to come on to him then I saw this ugly frog jump towards Y/N trying to eat him. Obviously wasn't fast enough as Y/N jumped far back "what how did you know?" The demon angrily asked "you can hide that body but you can't hide that smell." Y/N said as he swatted at the air in front of him and got into a fighting position with Muramasa.
The demon obviously angry started to rush Y/N and he ran at the demon the demon tried to jump at Y/N but he just slid under it pointing his sword up slicing the bottom of the demon then I saw the Doomslayer pull his weapon a chainsaw and rush the demon stabbing it with the chainsaw and reved it up causing the demon to scream Y/N then grabbed his motorcycle chainsaw thing and rushed the frog looking demon with it Slicing into it's skin and doing a great deal of damage I fell out of my trance and started to run towards the demon too using my version of Y/N judgement cut.
I started to run faster than anyone could see cutting the demon down using my speed returned to my original position and watched as the demon started to feel all the damage I did at the same time it roared in pain as Y/N pulled his ace of spades from his holster and fired a powerful shot infused with demonic energy.

It made the demon stumble as he called upon his companion "Golden Wing?!" He yelled as his stand stood behind him and started to run towards the demon "Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda!" It screamed as it started to punch and kick the demon with mind blowing speed causing the demon to fall flat on the ground.
The Doomslayer came out of nowhere and pulled a big gun and stuck it in the demons mouth and then charged up with green energy blowing the face off the demon. He looked around to see all of us standing in awe of what happened Y/N moved forward as the demon started to form into a ball of light he put his hand out to gain a new Devil arm

(A/N Pay no attention to it's death scene)
He then holstered the new Devil's arm on his person the Doomslayer looked at him when Y/N looked back he notice something "oh you want one of these." He said as he held up the briefcase of weapons the Doomslayer shook his head yes as Y/N gave him a briefcase weapon that he got from one of the smaller versions of this demon. Then a portal opened up and the Doomslayer looked at it before looking back at us he gave us a two finger salute and jump through the Portal "you know I've got a feeling he is going to Rip and Tear Satan a new one." Y/N said as he walked towards me "and you for your prize for coming on this trip how about a date on me?" He asked me as he winked "Yeah of course my lovely demon." I said causing him to blush then realizing what I said I started to blush even brighter "Y/N we've know each other forever do you think I wouldn't be able to see that you and Yato were lusting for one another." Yukine said as she reverted and started to poke Y/N chest causing us both to blush "It's about that time where you two admit your feelings for one another before you do something rash." She said again as she walked away "She's right you know Yato-sama I've been a naughty boy staring at your behind every time I got to guess I'm going to go to hell because after all its a sin to lust over a goddess." He said as he kissed me on the lips 'yes finally I've gotten a kiss from Y/N he is mine now." I thought as I started to loose conciousness from all the fighting.
To be continued.

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