chapter 8 the Doomslayer, Yato, and Y/N team up

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Me, Yato, and Yukine were moving through the island looking for the main demon that was starting all this trouble when suddenly we all hear gunfire "did you hear that Yato, Y/N it sounds like gunfire coming from in there." Yukine said as I started to get closer I started to hear some really weird heavy metal

"Why do I hear boss music?" I said as Yato tilted her head in confusion when I got close to the door I kicked it open to see a man in green armor shooting a weird looking demon it had a metal leg and looked kind of like a centaur then he pulled a handle of some kind when the demon was staggered and used it to cut his legs off then his lower chest then his head he stood there in silence as the music faded out as he turned to us he came by us "thank you for taking out the lesser demon sir it will save us more time now can you carry along we got a major demon to slay." I said as he perked up from the name of demon and I started to pass him with Yato, and Yukine he soon began to follow "Y/N I think it's the room to the left." Yato-sama said as she and I tried to push it open only for it to be too difficult we stepped aside "probably a puzzle we have to do to get it open so lets-" I said before being interrupted by the armored man kicking down the door "or you could just do that too." I said impressed with the man's strength the room had demon like men around this pile of gore. Then I hear the music again this time it's more metal

I saw the Armoured man use his leg to sweep one of the demons legs out from under him and punch it down leaving the demons head to explode I pulled Shadow and Mist out of their respective holsters it seems these demons were weaker than most as one shot killed them I turned my head to see Yato using Yukine to cleave a demon in two "that's it?" I asked as the man pulled on something in the gore pile making it explode I heard a loud screen of demons and I pulled my phone out "it looks like this is going to be one hell of a party!" I exclaimed as I played Devil trigger and the Armoured man played his song

I saw this weird big demon that had horns as I started to rush it with Muramasa as I got close to it, it clawed at me with it's outrageously huge claws unsheathing the sword I slashed off the demons right arm then in one motion I sheathed the blade and unsheathed it running up full speed cutting the demon in every spot on him then went back to were I started the demon walked towards me as I started to sheathe the blade then with a click I saw the demon drop to the floor in a pile of gore I turned to see the man with a chainsaw cut through a demon then pull a double barreled shotgun and fired causing the demon to stagger he jumped on the back of the demon and Wrenched one of the horns off it's head and slapped the demon with it I looked over to see Yato using Yukine to pull off something similar to a judgement cut like mine the demon started walking towards her only to be turned into a gore pile after Yato kicked it the demons left were weaker demons that threw fire at us I saw the man pull a big weapon that lit up green and fired a ball of green plasma that expanded at the demons and blew up leaving only blood from the demons "I need to get me one of those." I said as the demons were no more I saw an entrance to a room that was supposed to be were the big gun was "well Yato we are almost there let's finish this job." I said as Yato nodded and the Armoured man looked at the entrance and followed us.

To be continued

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