chapter 12

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Yato's POV
Me and Y/N were at Kofku's while Yukine worked because she wanted to pay back the money she took when she was going kinda crazy from Jealousy when Hyori walked in "Good Morning." She said as she entered the store immediately Y/N decided to hide behind me "the demon lady is here" I heard him wisper as he shook I sighed and just patted him on the shoulder "when she's gone let me know." He wispered as he started to turn around and sneak away but then Hyori out of nowhere pop up "Y/N-san where do you think you're going" she said in a passive agreesive voice I saw him seized up stopping just stop the door "I-I have a job to go to right now it's kind of far so I'll see you later" Y/N said as Hyori just stared at him knowing that he was lying "hmm sure how about I just go with you she said as she smirked knowing he was stuck in a corner I saw as he just smirked and said "sorry kiddo adults only 18 and older for this job." He said as he ruffled her hair and just ran out the door "see you ladies later." Y/N said as he slashed open a portal most likely to his business.
No one's Pov
The two ladies watched as he disappeared through the portal as Yato looked over to Hyori and said "I know you like him like that Hyori you know we could share him." Yato said as she smiled almost cat like at Hyori who was blushing as hard as possible "I-I-I don't know what you are talking about Yato." She said as she turned her head Yukine stood next to them she had a blank look on her face as she stared off in the distance having dirty thoughts about a certain white haired man Yato was the first to notice as she got stung because of it "Yukine stop thinking about Y/N in that way" she said as she pulled on Yukine's cheeks stretching them out as Yukine just kept muttering the words sorry over and over again.
After I got out of there I sat down on my chair lounging around as the day went by I started to just look at my magazines when suddenly I felt something watching me from the outside "well this is interesting who could be outside around this time?" I said as I walked outside to see these phantoms that looked like wolves with a girl in a old time looking outfit she chuckled as she looked at me "Yato always been too friendly with men especially ones that were children." I got slightly angry at that last part "who you calling a child short stack you know it's not safe to wandering around during the night time by yourself why don't you go find your parents and leave me alone." I said smirking she had a blank smile as she pointed at me the wolves following her finger started to come after me I pulled my phone from my pocket as one of them jumped at me I simply moved to the side slightly as another tried to bite me as Griffin made an appearance to pull me away as I held my hand up pulling me away the danger "this is starting to get crazy!" I exclaimed as I hit shuffle on my phone causing an amazing screamo song to play

"Now come on?!" I screamed as I pulled my ace of spades out of its holster and aimed at one of the wolves shooting it only for it to pop like a Balloon "that's not really that exciting." I said in sadness as I pulled Cerberus from my pocket dimension using it in it's fire staff mode poking the wolves as if the staff was newspaper and it was a dog I was trying to get to stop scratching me "bad dog I exclaimed as I started using the staff to smash into the ground making a small fire Shockwave to push the phantoms back *yawn* come on is that all you've got I said in bordem not even felt challenged enough to use my devil trigger then a man came out of nowhere with some type of pink ball in his hand "What's that some type of child's bouncing ball." I said as he looked into my eyes "so you are the reason of the Yato gods pathetic state." He said as the kid turned into his Kitana "so your a god too huh?" I said as he sped towards me I unsummoned Cerberus and jumped back as I did a stylish back flip landing a few inches away from him using my hands to catch his arm "oh come on you gotta do better than that." I said as he kicked me through my doors I flew towards my desk and chair sitting on it like I just got tired grabbing my Muramasa from the wall and holding it on my shoulder just siting down "you want to have fun alright I guess I can make some time for you." I said as I jumped towards him stopping just a few feet away from him puting Muramasa on my hip where it is supposed to be as I cracked my neck by using my head to move it from side to side and crack my knuckles "seven minutes. Seven minutes is all I can spare to play with you." I said in a monotone voice while looking at my watch "so let's dance." I said as I used my hands to preform a cobra strike on the man.

" I said as I used my hands to preform a cobra strike on the man

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To be continued...

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