Chapter 3 Answers to questions

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Timeskip to Kofku's place because LMAO idk just lazy


Yato Yukine and Hiyori took me to this little lake market where there was a girl with what seemed to be her father there "so Yato you brought a boy who is he your boyfriend~" the pink haired girl said I looked over at Yato to see the goddess blushing "N-No Kofku he's not!" She stuttered my eyes sparkled in bad intentions "oh "you wound me Yato-sama I thought you shared my feelings." I said in mock hurt she blushed an even deeper red "b-be quiet Y/N you are supposed to answer rhe questions we have for you!" She screamed "alright then what's your questions then Yato-sama~" I said in a teasing manner she looked away from me for a second muttering something but I couldn't hear what she was saying then she turned back to me she was still blushing "o-ok first of all what was that phantom that you fought that turned into a weapon?" She asked as they all looked at me for an answer "that wasn't a phantom which I'm guessing is the demon that poisoned me" I said as they nodded "that's what we call those beings but you weren't really poisoned we call it being blighted the only difference is that it doesn't sap our energy that fast." Yato said "anyway that was a demon from my dimension." I said as I stopped to let it sink in "what do you mean from your dimension?" Yukine asked as everyone looked at me for an answer "well I'm not from here I'm from a dimension where demons are the only supernatural enemy and that is what that Cerberus was, a demon banished by SPARDA, my father to another dimension after he closed off the demon world from the human world." I said as I let the words sink in "why did the demon transform into a pair of nunchucks?" Hiyori asked "that's because I defeated a minor demon and he respected my strength before he died so he gave him me his souls to use as a weapon." I said as I pulled out King Cerberus and started messing around with it "what is the difference between the demons and phantoms?" Kofku said as she looked at me intently looking for an answer from me "well demons can be seen by humans any and all and from what I can tell they don't blight you when you get hit by them." I said as I had Cerberus in my hands still twirling it around "what do you call those weapons?" Her father figure said looking at me as if he was hoping that devil arms wouldn't take over the jobs of regilias "they are devil arms and they can only be used by devils or half-breeds." I said as they all stared in fear of me "does that mean you are a demon Y/N?!" Yato said as she got in a defensive stance "I'm a half demon courtesy of my father." I said as everyone chilled out a little "yeah my dad had something most demons didn't that's why he was so much more powerful than them the ability to love." I said as they all looked at me "what do mean how does love make someone stronger?" The father figure said "it gave him the compassion he wanted and needed to disobey the king of the underworld and his boss." I said as they all looked at me "I have one more question what that sword you have?" Yato asked me referring to Muramasa "this is the Cursed blade Muramasa my father found it to give it to me because he wanted all three of the Triplets of him to learn how to protect ourselves." I said as the room got quiet "You mean this is the legendary Muramasa the cursed blade." Hiyori said as they all looked at the enhanced cursed weapon "yes my world's most cursed weapon and I use it with the most dangerous sheathe ever made." I said as they all looked at my sheathe "what does the sheathe do?" Yukine asked her eyes glued to the sheathe "it pushes my sword out of the sheathe as fast as possible using gunpowder and demonic energy." I said as they stared at the blade and sheathe intrigued by it then it happened again this time a Voice that I recognize as the demon major that Trish was placed inside of that Dante and I killed "SPARDA" he said luckily we were all outside as the next thing that happened is the demon tossing a motorcycle at me I grabbed my blade cleaving the bike in two "everyone back off!" I screamed as everyone backed away a few steps still watching what was happening "you know it's dangerous to toss those around they could explode especially when there are ladies present." I said as the demon readied it's mace/sword thing with one hand "you know the last time I had a little help with one of your kind because we were in a rush but now I get my own devil arm from you so let's fight." I said as I readied my Muramasa.

"Let's Rock!" I yelled as we both rushed each other.

(A/N Merry Christmas everyone hope your Christmas was as good as mine!)

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