chapter 4 new powers

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"Let's Rock!" I yelled as we both rushed each other the Calvere Angelo demon catching my sword with his I blocked and hit the demon with my sheathe causing nothing more but an annoyance to the demon as he made that pretty clear by hitting me with his arms causing me to fly a decent amount of yards and hit a small market bar then I saw something I knew I saw earlier a cane not any cane but V's cane on the floor in fragments in the shop 'hmm I wonder V was a human that used Demons just like these gods and their regilias I wonder if I can help Yato-sama with a power up on Yukine' I thought as I picked some of the pieces up feeling that they were still in the fragments smiling I got up and ran towards Yato-sama with the pieces "I have an idea Yato hold these for now try and use on Yukine graft it to her metal now go hurry this might give you an advantage on demons in the future." I said as the demon rushed again this time getting punched by Golden wing once "You know you don't talk much hope you don't mind if I do!" I said as I pulled my devil trigger and pulled out Ace of spades and pushed it to the air using demonic power to transform my body into fire firing 6 burning bullets into the Angelo barley hurting it as he just wobbled back a little I then used Exalted blade to slash at the demon using my favorite combo slashing in a diagnal path then vertical then horizontal and topping it off with a nice drop of the sword to the magnet on my foot that was used to catch the blade and use it to repeatedly kick the shit out of the Angelo causing it major damage then out of nowhere lesser demons started to pop up around me my devil trigger finally fading as I looked around me 'could use some help right now I'm used to focusing on the boss not the lesser that come with it.' I thought as they all rushed me then I saw something Yato pointing Yukine's sword form at the demons with a little bit of demonic energy Shadow came out of Yukine's sword form towards the lesser demons the familiar  I heard Yato cry out "don't worry Y/N I can handle these ones you go on and destroy the big one!" she said as Griffin popped out over her shoulder "hey samurai good to see ya" Griffin said as he started to fly I noticed that the tattoos on Yato's neck and on Yukine's Katana form they were the same one's V had when he was alive 'good she figured it out' I thought as I started to walk towards the Angelo "oi Yato give these lesser demons a message never to fuck with us." I said as I rushed the Angelo with mild hate and resentment I clashed with the Major demon making sparks fly off my sword and it's mace sword then sheathing Muramasa I used a move that Vergil used on me Dante a lot a judgement cut I'm not as good at it but I will be enough to take out this demon making my way around the demon t inhumane speeds, I then started to cut a large number of large cuts on the Angelo then returning to my original position I started to sheathe the blade causing the demon to start losing parts off its armour then they attached to the bike that I carved in half "hmm remembering what Dante did to the same type of demon a while back then I started to chop off more pieces until the bike was complete and the demon fell over I landed on the bike turning my head to see Yato and Yukine standing near defeated demons all disappearing one after the other "Been a while Y/N I thought I'd never see you again because we'll I think you know what you and Dante did to us." Griffin said as he stared at me "you were in our way to get to Vergil so of course we would try to defeat you guys." I said shrugging "Y/N that one wouldn't make a contract with me or Yukine he said he would only make one with you." Yato said as I looked at Griffin "is that so Griffin?" I said as he stared into my eyes "they are powerful sure but I want to make a contract with one the two people that defeated me." He said "alright then Griffin I want to make a contract with you." I said holding out my arm "Y/N Sparda I accept your contract." Griffin said as he turned into a ball of light and I touched to gain the spirit of Griffin leaving a tattoo on my arm. "Well what do we have here." I heard a Voice unknown to me I looked to see a woman in the sky with a lion close by and a hat that was similar to a police cap she raised her head to look at us when i saw her face she reminded me of someone i haven't seen since she died, she looked like "Mom?" I said in shock she tilted her head in confusion to what I said

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