1: forget

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september 19th,1951

i found a shed near the end of dallas. DALLAS! i can't believe five abandoned me in the past in one of the whitest states!

i'm more angry then sad. i took out the bullets,stitched the holes shut, and wrapped up the wounds with the med kit i found in an abandoned gas station i passed.

since i didn't die, the wounds won't just go away. last time i died and came back, i didn't feel like myself so i'm just gonna suffer with the scars instead of killing myself, because i don't know if i'll come back for sure or not.

i also stole some food, matches, knives,blankets,clothes, and some heating pads. i think i'll be good for now.

i woke up to sun shining bright in my face, and a person standing over me. i scrambled away to grab my knives when they started talking to me

"hey! hey i was just making sure you're alive" the strange teenager said. i dropped my knives and starred in his eyes. they were a pretty deep brown. "who are you and what the hell do you want" i said slowly getting up.

"dallas, but my friends call my dally" he said with a smirk. he held out his hand for me to shake, but i ignored it. "dallas in dallas, how ironic" i said turning to gather my things

he chuckled "guess so, so are you ok?" "peachy" i said as i put all my things in my backpack

"what's a little girl like you doing in this shed" he asked kicking dirt. "what's a little boy like you doing here all alone" i replied rolling my eyes. i hated being called little.

"i'm 13" he said. "im 29"  i replied while walking past him, bored of this frivolous conversation.

"hey i thought we were getting along" he said running to catch up with me

"why are you here? don't you have family to be with" i said not stopping. "nah, they're in new york not giving a shit about me" he said laughing a little. i could feel the pain in his voice when he said that. this is gonna be a long day.

it's been 7 years. it's the summer of 1958, and i've been with dallas ever since. we got married a year ago, because he's hopelessly in love with me. i'm joking, he's stollen my heart with his smooth talking.

yes it's kind of perverted that i'm 36 and he's 20, but i told him about my past, and he didn't care even after the numerous times i've left him due to the age gap.

i've aged and i look like i'm 20 again, it's nice. i'm infertile due to the shot to the uterus all those years ago. dally doesn't like kids anyway. we live in oklahoma, and i've had no problems except for the occasional racism i face.

it's now the summer of 61, and he hasn't left me yet. his friend died and he went off somewhere. i haven't used my power in a while because i have no reason to. and then i got a call. a call that would break me forever. dallas is dead.

i tore the house apart. why can't i be happy? what did i do so wrong to not deserve happiness?

i'll forget

if i don't forget, i might end the world

i took every memory of every person i've ever loved, my husband,my lost boyfriend, my brothers, my robot mother, my sisters.

and now my past. i won't remember anything but my name,my birthday, and my powers. i'm through with the pain and the suffering, and now i should never hurt again.

i drove to dallas because for some reason i feel drawn there, and i'll buy a home and do whatever the hell i want to.

a/n- and that's the first chapter! book two looking real nice aye? nope it sucks but it'll get better? i hope it does

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