10: no mercy

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y/n pov

today's the day after that mission at the mall. dad won't hop off my dick about how i got my ass handed to me by one man, so today he's trying something new or whatever bs that means.

i'm standing next to ben as we await our fathers arrival to the training room, and everyone's a little on edge. this won't be that bad, right?

soon dad walks into the room with his dear dumb diary and shuts all the doors. and locks them.weird but whatever. he then stands next to vanya off to the side and starts talking.

"yesterday, your mission went horribly. i will not tolerate such slacking, therefore, today's training will be much harder then ever before. prepare yourselves."

i stiffened at his stare. why was he looking only at me?

"number eight, step to the middle of the room" dad says.

i obey and walk a tad slow to the middle. i could feel everyone's eyes on me. my heartbeat was starting to quicken.

"today, it will be all verses number eight"

everyone stopped and looked at dad in horror

"what?" me and ben said at the same time.

"number eight is not reaching her full potential, and you all are going to help her." he replied

"dad, i'm not ready for this" i said pleading with my father.

"of course you are, you need to stop this lazy behavior" he replied. he was so stiff. no love in his heart. it's like he's incapable of feeling. how could he do this?

"i could get seriously hurt"

"you will do what you all are told!" he yelled at us as a tear fell from my face.

"show no mercy"

"if you hold back, your consequences will be severe. begin!"

everyone looked at me with eyes filled with sorrow.


everyone ran at me at once and the fight began.

first luther punched me in the jaw, and i blasted him back.

"i heard a rumor.." allison started

"you fought off ben and luther" i finished using her rumor against her.

her eyes turned white and soon she was fighting off luther and ben for me.

three down,three to go.

five spacial jumped and kicked me in the stomach. i doubled over in pain.

klaus muttered a quick sorry and kicked me in the face, sending me to the floor.

i sent an energy wave as i got up sending them all back as i gathered more energy.

diego threw knives at me but i stopped them both in the air right infront of my eyes. i grabbed one out of the air and threw it back at him, slicing his leg.

klaus ran up to me and punched me in the gut and then in the face, and i telekinetically found all his pressure points and squeezed them, causing him to fall over knocked out.

five spacial jumped in front of me and swept my feet, knocking me back.

he climbed on top of me and started punching me.

now i was just getting angry.


i could feel my body getting warm


my body started to glow green


before he could send another hit, it's like my body sent off a green tidal wave again, much bigger then the last, sending five flying back into a pillar.

"five" i yelled getting up and running to help him up.

"get the hell away from me" he said holding his side and swatting my hand. he looked into my eyes and all i saw in his was fear.

i've never seen my siblings look at me with fear, and seeing it from five was like a shot in the face.

i glanced at my other siblings who looked pretty beaten and scared like five. they also look sad mad like allison who had snapped out of her trance.

"i'm-im sorry" i whispered glancing around at everyone and backing away from five.

is this what dad wanted? to make everyone afraid of me?

"very good everyone, that's enough for today" dad said adjusting his monocle and shutting his book.

everyone walked out and left me standing there alone.

what had i done? they were all fighting me what was i supposed to do? let them beat me?

i can't believe it, they're afraid of me.

now every time i'm around them, i always sense a little fear. am i that frightening?

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