8: yes

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i charged towards one man and tackled him, me on top,punching his face repeatedly. he rolled us over and punched my rib cage. is this mans hands made of stone? that hurt more then luthers punches.

i blasted him back with my powers and another man came up behind me choking me. i looked over to see five now dealing with the man i blasted, and he was doing so/so.

i broke all the bones in his hand with my mind and his grip loosened as he groaned in pain. i turned around and kneed him in the balls. the third man shot me in the thigh with some poison dart with a golden liquid.

my veins around the area shot turned black as the golden liquid flowed through my veins. i stumbled into the wall as my veins turned black down my arm, breathing heavily.

that must have been gold infused, because i could feel myself growing weaker and my power draining. i looked over to see diego being double teamed,so i tried rupturing one mans heart but i couldn't do it.

damn it this is stupid.

i ran over to the men after taking the dart out and jumped on one mans back. i grabbed the knife from my thigh holster and stabbed him in the neck.

he let go of diego and backed into the wall with me on his back, and kept hitting me against it till i let go. i fell to the ground groaning in pain. being weak sucks assssssss.

i rolled over dogging a stomp from the man and quickly got up and ran to the man beating five. i kicked him in the back of the leg and he dropped to one knee, resulting in me round-house kicking him in the face. he fell unconscious to the floor

"thanks" five said out of breath adjusting his tie. he stopped and looked me up and down, brows furrowed.

"like what you see" i ask laughing but immediately stopping as it hurt my ribs.

"what the hells wrong with your veins?" he asked. before i could respond, i felt arms rap around me and throw me against the wall, knocking the wind out of me.

i laid on the ground gasping for air as ringing became louder in my ears. i heard lilas name, but u couldn't move. this pain was worse then death, the gold acid coursing through my bloodstream and all.

the ringing got louder with the grunts and lila and five throwing a man out the window. i could hear five jump away and lila follow, and i got up focusing on my breathing.

i gathered enough energy and i got up and blasted the last man out a window. i just used the last of my energy, and i could feel myself falling as my vision went dark.

diego pov
"thanks y/n." i said turning back to y/n. she was falling over, so i ran and caught her before she could hit the ground.

i picked her up bridal-style and walked down the stairs and outside where i saw five standing.

a car sped of, presumably dads and i sighed, gaining the attention of lila and five. "was that him" i asked. "yeah" five responded looking at y/n.

"you know i'm starting to think dads avoiding us" five said looking back at where the car used to be.
"hate to be the boring one guys, but uh, i think it's time we get the hell out of here"lila said shifting away.

"when you say we who the exactly are you referring to" five asked glaring at lila. "not a lot of ambiguity in that sentence" she replied turning to five.

"listen,i don't know who you are or where you came from, but whatever it is i'd advise you return posthaste"

"she's right five, we should get out of here" i say adjusting my grip on y/n.

"i just saved your life you kinder-shit, if i hadn't stepped in all that'd be left of you is a blazer and some bloody socks" she snapped at five.

"and that's the problem, you're too good. you ask to many questions and fight like you know what your doing" five said stepping towards lila.

"oh now knowing how to defend myself is a problem" she asked scoffing.

"me and y/n would've been fine, you left your boyfriend to fend for himself, why i don't know but you're in my way. if i see you again i'll kill you" he said looking at me and y/n again.

"diego, any back up" lila asked me.

"i was getting my ass handed to me back there, and you decided to help five and not me" i replied holding y/n a little closer.

"you're a grown man, they are children diego. and i take a liking to your sister you know that" she said stepping towards y/n.

i backed up and she scoffed. "i'm used to dealing with liars lila. but i like it better when i know what they're lying about" i say turning away and walking with five. "y/n would've believed me. she would've helped me" lila said behind me sounding hurt, but i pretended not the hear it.

i set y/n on her bed and walked to where five was leaning on the doorway with a puzzled expression. "why hasn't she woken up" he asked. "well i-" "i was thinking out loud" he says swatting me away. i rolled my eyes and walked back to y/n, kissing her forehead before walking back out.
y/n pov

i could feel a kiss on my forehead, and judging from the prickles i felt i knew it was diego. i kept my eyes closed as he walked out of the room. i heard footsteps come closer to me and then the bed sunk at my side.

"you could've gotten seriously hurt. i don't know what they did to you, and if i'm being honest i'm worried" five whispered, still thinking he was alone.

"five hargreeves, the most caring man in dallas" i whispered to five while my eyes were still shut.

"damn it i knew you were awake" he said sitting up and pinching his nose. i laughed and hugged him. i don't know why i hugged him, i'm not a hugger, but it just seemed like the right thing to do.

"why" he asked.

"yes" i said letting go of him and getting up.

"that wasn't a yes or no question" he says turning to me.

"i'll be right back" i said turning my heel and going into the bathroom. i shut the door and looked at my body. my veins were back to normal, with the exception of were i was shot. it was a small hole with scattered black veins an inch long streaming from it.

i took the thigh holster off, seeing as it had no knives and i'm not going out again tonight. i brushed my teeth and brushed out my h/c hair after taking down what lila had done. where did she even go?

i sighed as i took a wet cloth and wiped off the makeup, then rubbing my hands over the visible bruises.

i went back to my room to see five sitting there waiting. "took you long enough" he said standing up and walking towards me. "are you okay" i asked scanning his body for any visible wounds.

"i should ask you the same thing" he replies rubbing my ribs where i was hit. he looked into my eyes and we stared for a moment. even after taking a beating, he was attractive af.

"you know the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell" i said chuckling nervously. why am i so awkward?

he chuckled as he looked from my eyes to my lips. my breath hitched as i took notice of this, and before i could stop myself, i leaned in and planted my lips on his.

his hands slid to my waste and he pulled me closer, licking the bottom of my lip as if asking to deepen the kiss.

soon, he picked me up and my legs rapped around him instantly. this is escalating fast.

he dropped me onto the bed and looked at me for a second. self composure was keeping me from shaking uncontrollably, from a mix of adrenaline,pain, and desire.

he climbed on top of me and pinned my hands behind my head looking into my eyes. "are you okay with this" he asked. i nodded and he kissed me again, and i never want this moment to end

a/n- hello! i feel like i'm writing porn if i write anymore, so i'll let your mind imagine the rest😘

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