9: why the hell not

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3rd person pov
fire. ash.

"five!"a h/c girl yelled. she was dirty, and she was crying. her clothes were torn and her hair was a knotted mess.

"i'm sorry please!" she yelled falling to her knees.

she was alone, and at this moment she knew, nothing she could do would bring five back to her.

y/n pov

i woke up in a cold sweat. that was a nightmare thank god, it's not real. it seemed that the sun was rising, and streaks of sun bled through the window onto the sheets i was rapped in.

last night was, something. not a dull moment in y/n hargreeves life huh.

i looked to my right to see fives sleeping body. his chest was rising and falling, and his face had a peaceful resting look.

i slid quietly out of bed and grabbed a black bra with like lace straps, black silk underwear, f/c shirt, and some black overalls that i've stored in a drawer with a bunch of other stolen clothes.

once i was dressed i snuck out of the room to the bathroom, brushed my hair, washed my face, and brushed my teeth. not gonna catch me dirty, not even an apocalypse is gonna stop this good hygiene.

i heard the stove being cut on, so i just put my hair in a low ponytail (if you have bangs, those were kept out) and teleported into the kitchen.

i was expecting elliot, but i was met with


"oh hey y/n" luther said turning and waving his spatula at me.

"when did you get here" i asked as nice as possible.

"uhmmm" he said only to be cut off by five spatial jumping into the kitchen. diego soon followed and now 4 out of 8 hargreeves are in the building.

five smirked at me and i looked down trying to hide a smile.

they've been talking about the blonde trio for quite some time now and it's getting rather boring.

"i mean i've been fine for" diego started snapping his fingers, earning my attention. "three months until you showed up" he finished.

"yea i was here for a year and no one messed with me" luther added

"yea i was here for like sum sum years and i was great" i said adding to whatever point they're trying to get at.

five looked at me with a 'you're supposed to be on my side, so shut the hell up" type look and i immediately regretted speaking up.

"even if it was my fault which it isnt, we only have six days before the end of the world" he started looking back at the other two brothers.

"and the closest anyone's got to dad was that driveway at the consulate" five finished.

"uhm i worked for him so that's not factual" i said leaning against the counter next to luther.

"yea but you didn't no it was him so it was useless" five replied looking down. i sighed and rubbed my temples. this end of the world b.s. is starting to piss me off.

i could've stopped the last one if i wasnt on the brink of death and five broke my concentration. i am the phoenix for fucks sake. i am the most powerful being on earth, and vanyas little iron man chest blast should've been easy to stop.

i'm thinking so high of my self, i'm starting to sound like luther and his number 1 bull.

"well, y/n isn't the only one whose spoken to dad" luther started. i leaned forward intrigued by this.

"i saw him" he said and then he explained this whole flashback about his encounter with dad, which was boring and pitiful i might add.

"that's pathetic" diego said earning a snicker from me.

"yea well atleast he didn't have y/n shank my ass" luther shot back playing with his eggs.

i laughed at that too but stopped as i remembered my fight with diego. so many events have happened that i forget about. like for example, my children, my ex fiancé, i used to be an adult, i'm older than everyone but five. brutal.

"no bro, he shanked your heart."

"is that my bathrobe" elliot asked walking into the kitchen.

luther looked down at the robe and back up before replying no.

"are you sure? it kinda looks like it" i said biting back a smile.

"shutup tiny"

"look, who cares who was shanked,he knows something about time travel" five said holding my arm i was about to grab a butter knife with and rubbing it.

i sighed and sat back.

"wait, why don't you just do your thing and uh, time travel us out?" elliot asked shyly. poor man dealing with our shit. props to him for not totally losing it.

"anyone care to explain" five huffed letting go of my arm and getting up.

"i'll go" i yell raising my hand. everyone jumped at my sudden movement and starred at me with confused eyes.

"ok, so the first time he got stuck in an apocalypse like a dummy after me telling him not to, second time he came back without any pubes, and the last time he scattered his beloved family throught over ten years in dallas,texas, possibly causing apocalypse 2.0" i said smiling.

they all looked at me with a 'what the fuck was that' face but continued anyway.

i nodded and sat back in my chair.

"guys you're missing the big picture here, dad is the ringleader of a sinister cabal, that's planning to kill the president". diego said looking at all of us. i swear he is in love with jfk or something because he talks about him all the time.

'i'm gonna find allison and see if she's okay' i said telepathically to five before jumping to allison's conscience.
"day drinking" i said while walking towards klaus and sipping his drink.

"hey" klaus whined and slapped my hand for taking his drink. "want one" allison asked offering me a drink.

i was about to say no but then i thought, why the hell not?

a/n- heyy sorry it's late i've been hanging with my family. hope you liked it!

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