14: reality

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"five!" i yelled running to hug five.

"god, i was so worried when you didn't come back from talking with dad" he said rubbing circles into my back.

i couldn't stop myself from crying, i just watched him die and now he's hugging me.

"where are we" i asked looking around at the flower maze.

"home" he replied stepping back and looking around with a lifeless smile

"huh" i said stepping back too and placing my hands at my sides.

"here we can be happy, just us and you, not a problem in the world" a voice behind me said.

i spun around to be met with another 13 year old five.

"what's happening" i asked looking back and forth between the two fives.

"you came here, you came home" they said in unison as they began to walk closer to me.

"no" i said as i flew up to escape.

one five jumped and grabbed me and pinned me to the floor. kinky. stop.

i punched him in the face and flew away again.

the flowers just kept growing, and no matter how high i went, the higher they followed me.

i tried time traveling again, and my hands began to flash green and blue, and now i'm in a room of mirrors.

the mirrors lined up in a circle around me , one above me acting as a ceiling and one below me as a floor.

when i looked in the mirror directly infront of me, i saw myself for the first time in years.

i haven't grown any body hair (thank god) since i wasn't producing any hormones or aging, but my hair was now extremely long and tangled.(if you don't have hair or anything along the lines of hair preferences disregard that)

my skin was a shade darker from all the dirt and dust built up on me, and my eyes lacked the liveliness they once held.

my lips were chapped due to the fact i hadn't had chapstick in like 50 years.

i lifted my hand and gathered green whisps in the air, trying to form some chapstick.

i learned that i can make almost any object from air, nothing like technology though because that required electricity and all that jazz. it's weird and quite frankly stupid, but you know yolo.

as i was applying the cherry lip bomb i just made i looked in the other mirrors.

in each mirror, a different version of me starred back.

i walked closer to the most similar looking one.

she looked clean, happy, and full of life. i envied her. i guess i envied myself actually, but that's besides the point.

i raised my hand and she raised hers, mimicking my motions.

i created fire as my eyes glew green, and she made purple fire and her eyes glew purple. weird.

"hello" i asked, but she only repeated what i said as long as everyone else in the room.

i tried searching her mind, but when i tried looking in a sharp ringing in my ear sent me to the ground, and a bunch of cries echoed through the room,

i put my hands to my ears as the ringing got louder until every mirror shattered.

purple, red, blue, and my own green energy pushed me back until i was on the floor in elliots room, unconscious.

fives pov
i was laying on her bed again. i looked around all day, but she hasn't came back.

suddenly a rainbow like light flashed followed by a thump on the floor.

i jumped next to the sound, to see an unconscious y/n, looking dead and dirty.

i jumped to get allison, then returned with her to elliots.

"can you clean her up, i don't know if she'd be comfortable with me doing it" i asked allison gesturing to y/n

"is she ok" she asked running over and picking her up (no matter how much you weigh, anyone can pick you up with ease. btw, you're perfect and i love your style .)

"i don't know she just landed on the floor like that" i said pinching the bridge of my nose. i'm tired and the world is about to end, and now she's back looking like she's barely bathed or eaten in 30 years.

allison ran to clean her up, and i just laid back on the bed. not too late after, i fell asleep.

short chapter yes but it's a sunday and i'm tired.

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