2: what the fu-

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i've been in dallas for about a year. it's 1962. i've met this beautiful lady with blonde hair and blue eyes. she seems familiar but i don't can't put a finger on it. anyway, her names grace and she is dating this reggie guy.

he seems familiar too, but i don't like him much. he's pretty rich i hear, but to me he's just a royal ass.

i started working as security at his little building if you can call it that. there are rooms with mannequins, and all the furniture is a thousand years old, but i just have to walk around at night and make sure no idiots try and break in.

fives pov
i fell from the time portal.
"luther! diego! y/n!" i called. no answer. the portal closed and i heard gun shots. what the hell? i walked out of this alleyway when i saw war. where am i?

men are yelling russian and i see jets and tanks rolling down the road. i really screwed this up again.
i saw a news paper out of the corner of my eye. "soviets attack u.s.?" i mumbled to myself

i got up and looked around at all the soilders. one yelled something at me, but it's like i'm in a trance.

"what the hell did we do now" i mumbled before a big shot next to my head nocked me over. but then, it stopped and someone destroyed it. vanya?

i looked to her right and saw y/n exploding a tank and snapping necks. her eyes were dark green and green whisps took smoke and blew it up to the sky.

i looked over and saw a long haired klaus send a bunch of ghost soilders towards some real soilders. then luther jumped infront of a missile headed towards klaus.

ben ripped some people in half with his tentacles before allison rumored people that she blew there minds, and their heads actually exploded.

diego did a flip off of a car, sending bullets at the people shooting at him

"five! you sick son of a bitch where the hell have you been?"he yelled at me. i was about to run to him when someone held my shoulder.

"if you wanna live come with me" an older hazel said. "hazel?what the hells going on here?" i asked. "there's no time to explain. those are nukes old-timer" he said pointing at the sky. oh shit there are nukes.

"what about my family?" i asked. "you can't save them if your dead." he replied.i looked at y/n who was turned around looking at the nukes. she looks as old as them.

i grabbed his hand and we left.

we re-appeared near a bench. "okay, what the hell was that" i said. "end of the world, november 25 1963"he replied. i scoffed. "63... you know hazel i'm no history buff, but i don't recall there being a nuclear holocaust" i said looking around again

we started talking for a bit and i discovered i'm in dallas, ten days earlier. he gave me a briefcase but three white haired men shot him and the briefcase up before i escaped to the roof of some building.

i have to find my family.

y/n pov

it was now november 15,1963. i felt a warm eclectic feeling surge through me. it got intense and i was thrown against my apartment wall. i groaned and rolled onto my back. what the hell was that?

i walked to the bathroom as my now bigger clothes dragged on my feet. you've gotta be shitting me. i looked in the mirror, only to see a 13 year old me staring back at me.

a 43 year old (don't check the math, i know it's probably not right) stuck in the body of a 13 year old. maybe i should ask reggie about this.

after a few hours i strolled over to reginalds, and he was completely un helpful.

it was the next day and i was patrolling at night when i saw this shaggy haired man following reggie. 'a mans following you. i'll kill him, you get out of here' i said into his mind. 'splendid, goodnight y/n.' he replied

i teleported infront of him and punched him in the gut. he tried to throw a knife at me but i caught it with my powers and sent it to a wall. "y/n?" he said looking at me.

i punched him in the face and he stumbled to the ground. "five!" he yelled. "how do you know my name!" i yelled bringing my hand up to punch him as it glowed green and white.

i heard a whosh sound behind me so i turned around and blasted him to a wall.

the shaggy man put a knife to my neck and said "i need you to calm down. it's us!"

i took the knife from him and stabbed him in the leg. he grunted and fell to the floor. i was about to stab him again but something about him convinced me not to kill him. i feel sort of drawn to him.

then the boy grabbed me and tried to get me to "calm down". i am calm.

i got out of his grip and was about to hit him but i looked into his eyes.

memories hit me like a truck. memories of the past 43 years. each love, each heart ache, each mission, everything. i fell to the ground holding my head in my hands.

my head was pounding as tears fell down my face and soon i passed out.

i woke up in a strange apartment. my head was killing me, then i remembered. i started to silently cry until five came into the room.

"y/n?" he said walking over to me slowly

i jumped up and hugged him. i was so mad at him, but i missed him sorta and i needed a hug. he slowly rapped his arms around me and i started to cry more.

he rubbed circles on my back before letting one hand go to pick me up bridal style and bring me to a bed in a different bed room. i held onto his neck and buried my head between my arm and his neck.

after he laid me down he laid next to me staring at the ceiling. i stopped crying and was about to ask him a ton of questions but he interrupted me and said

"y/n, the world ends again in nine days"

i turned to him wide eyed.

"what the fu-"

a/n- hello!! hope you liked this one!

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