3:let me go

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five told me about the new apocalypse and just went to sleep. i was just sitting there staring at him sleep. how can he drop that big of a bomb on me and then just go to sleep.

i ran a hand through my hair and felt a snag. i untangled my hand to find a wedding ring. when i made myself forget, i always wondered why i had the ring. i felt a tear fall and i quickly wiped it away.

i just kept staring and shifting the ring in my hand. it glistening in the moonlight through the window. i remember my wedding day, so hectic, yet so funny. it rained the whole day, drenching my hair and dress and ruining my makeup.

but it was a happy day none the less, we couldn't afford a honeymoon so we just drove around town with the roof of the car open.

i fell asleep thinking about it. i woke up to see five not next to me. i groaned and sat up scratching my head. and then i started thinking about what five said when he left me so long ago.


i ran after five ignoring dads calls. "five!" i yelled stopping him in his tracks with my power.

"jesus y/n. i'm tired of you telling me what to do. i'm going to prove dad wrong, and there is nothing you can do to stop me." he said glaring at me.

"wanna bet" i said as my eyes glowed green. he's being an ass for no reason, i'm just trying to help him.

"number eight" he said as his hands started to glow blue.

"don't test me five" i said stepping closer to him. i was really starting to get pissed off.

i was about to say something when i heared vanya call my name. when i turned around he pushed me onto the road infront of a car. i stopped the car taking my focus off of five letting him move again.

"i can't let you keep holding me back, just let me go." he said. i turned to him but he jumped away.
end of flashback

i got dressed in a academy outfit i had saved, washed my face, brush my teeth, and did my hair in two french braids. i walked out to see five and diego discussing something with some pretty lady with grungy haircut and a funny accent.

"who's this" i ask walking up to the lady.

"lila" she said putting her hand out for me to shake. i smiled at her and shook her hand. "well i'm y/n, it's a pleasure to meet you" i said pulling my hand away.

"i like this one" she said walking to diego. i smirked and turned to five. "how many of our siblings have you found" i asked as my smirk began to drop.

"you, diego, and luther" he said looking anywhere but my eyes. what's wrong with him? "what's wrong with you" i asked looking at him trying to figure out his expression.

"did you have a nice dream last night" he asked looking into my eyes. "i don't really remember my dream last night" i replied. i really don't which is odd, i usually remember my dreams.

"well, your wedding was beautiful, nice ring by the way" he said pointing at my ring and jumping away.

i stood there while my brows furrowed. did i cast my dream onto him? i've never done anything like that before. how much did he even see?

i started fiddling with the ring on my finger while i thought about what he might have saw,when suddenly my hand burst into a green flame.

this is new? i quickly shook my hand, one to get the ring off so i don't melt it, and two to try and extinguish the fire.

the ring flung off my hand and it flew somewhere. "oh no" i muttered to myself crawling on the floor trying to find it. i was now burning the floor and the carpet leaving handprints everywhere i touched.

"damn it damn it" i whispered. i started to rub my arms cause that's what i do when i'm nervous and i set my blazer on fire. i took it hand ran to the bathroom. i turned on the shower and stepped in still clothed.

soon the fire stopped and i slid down the shower wall. i was crying now. i lost the last thing that dally gave me, fives mad at me, and now the worlds ending again.

i heard a whooshing sound and then the shower curtain opened. i knew who it was, and i didn't bother to raise my head. let's hear the petty excuse.

"so, you wanna tell me about him" he said still standing there staring at me. i couldn't tell if he was joking or not so i just remained with my head in my knees.

he sighed and opened the curtain more and stepped inside. he sat infront of me and just stared at me for a second before putting his hand over my hand.

"i'm sorry" he said rubbing my hand. i looked at him and sighed. "how much did you see" i said looking back down. "i saw you at your wedding with that guy. then i saw you driving around in the rain, and then i woke up" he said not taking his eyes off me.

"his names dally, he found me when i first arrived here and i hung around him and his friends in oklahoma for a long time. we got married and about a year later, he died and i didn't get to say good bye" i said smiling a bit as tears rolled down my face.

"you seemed happy" he said looking down and taking his hand away. then he looked at my now soaking wet yet burned blazer. "i saw burn marks around the floor and now your blazer, what happened?" he asked still looking at the burns.

"i don't know, after you left my hand caught fire and i flung my ring off so i didn't burn it, and then i crawled onto the floor searching for it, but no luck and i ended up here" i said. the shower was still on, so now we're soaking and sitting in the shower.

"well i guess i should mention i found this" he said holding up my ring. i couldn't help but smile. "thank you" i said trying to take it but he pulled it back out of my reach.

"uh?" "let me" he said grabbing my hand and slipping it on my ring finger. i studied his features now wet from the shower and it's like time stopped.

we stared into eachothers eyes for a second and i could feel him holding my hand a little tighter. how did we go for talking about my husband to this? is this wrong? am i like cheating cause i mean technically he never divorced me he just died. many people move on after their significant other dies right?

before i could think of anything else, he leaned in and kissed me. it took no time for me to kiss back, and it's like all my worries washed away. he placed a hand on my cheek and deepened the kiss. i started to run my fingers through his wet hair when i heard someone try and open the door.

i teleported us to the bedroom i slept in and pulled away from him super red.

"i'm sorry i, panicked" i said turning away to try and hide the redness. then i thought back to when he time traveled away that day, and my smile slowly faded.

"five, did you mean what you said that day" i asked turning around and looking into his eyes.

"y/n i was just mad. i'm so sorry i said that to you, and if i could take it back, i would" he said trying to grab my hand

i pulled my hand out of his reach and sighed. "we should focus on how to stop the apocalypse, i'm gonna look for our siblings okay?" i said.

"yea sure" he said looking down.

i teleported to the alley way and held my head in my hands. god i ruined that.

a/n- hello people! i hope you liked this one! please comment ur thoughts, i'd love to hear from you!

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