7: lets dance

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"this dress"
"come on, how about this one"
"hell no"

"y/n, you have said no to almost all the dresses"lila said pinching her nose. "yes, because they all look like shit" i replied holding in a laugh. "i'll look for one, you pick a dress" i said walking to another isle.

i scrolled through the racks of clothes when a pretty black dress caught my eye.

i scrolled through the racks of clothes when a pretty black dress caught my eye

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short, easy to slip out of hard situations, and it's hot. i picked it off the rack and checked the price tag. shoooooot if they really think i'm paying over 100$ they're in for a big surprise.

i draped the dress over my shoulder and looked for shoes. there wasn't many but i found one pair i sorta liked

 there wasn't many but i found one pair i sorta liked

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i picked up the shoes and ran to find lila. "ok did you find what you wanted" she asked turning to me. "yup let's go" i replied grabbing her arm and teleporting us back to elliots.

"it's starting soon so hurry up ok" i yelled pushing past diego into the bathroom.

i heard lila call my name as she knocked on the door. i cracked the door and yanked her inside. "what" i asked going back to brushing my hair. i have no idea how i'm gonna style it.

"can i do your hair please,please" lila asked shaking my shoulders. i pretended to think about it before nodding my head yes.

she happily squealed and sat me on the toilet as she brushed my hair.

she ended up doing this, and i liked it

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she ended up doing this, and i liked it.(in your hair color and length obviously, or if you don't have hair just disregard this)

i did my own makeup, despite lilas begging. i did a simple winged liner and i covered some of the bruises on my face and parts you could see in the open parts of my dress.

i grabbed a thigh holster for a knife and slid it up to where you can't see it under my dress. i walked out of the bathroom and to where five,diego, and lila were waiting for me.

they all turned and stared at me, and i was shocked their jaws didn't drop to the floor with how they've been looking at me. "take a picture it will last longer" i said with a smirk as i sat next to lila.

everyone continued to stare at me. "do you not like it" i said shifting in my seat. i knew this was a bad idea. "it's nice seeing you in a dress" elliot said walking into the room. "thanks elliot" i said flashing him a smile.

"we should get going" five said standing up and adjusting his tie. i guess he decided against dressing up.

we hid behind cars, first diego, then me, then five, then lila. i could hear five and lila arguing but i didn't care enough to listen.

i stood up and started to walk in, ignoring the whisper-shouts i heard from the group.

i walked in and immediately grabbed a glass of whatever the server was holding up, and gulped it down. "starting off strong,are we" five said standing next to me and smirking.

"oh please, i just want to get in, find out whatever shit we're here for and leave" i responded putting the  glass on a near by table. then the song that me and five danced to on our birthday started playing.

"wanna dance" he asked holding his hand out for me to take, smiling a genuine smile. i chuckled and took his arm, and soon we were slow dancing to the music amongst other people around us.

i leaned my head on his chest and closed my eyes. i love dancing with five, it's like everyone and every problem just disappears.

"you look really pretty" five said into my hair, probably hoping i can't hear him. i looked up and met his eyes smirking.

"i'm sorry, i didn't catch that" i said. "i'm not saying it again" he said looking away. "yea yea" i said leaning back onto his chest. he laid his head on mine and we danced until the song ended.

a certain mom caught my eye. "i'll be right back" i said turning away from five and walking towards her. walking towards mom. then i saw diego walk up to her, and my expression probably looked like his;shocked/almost ready to shit myself.

i stopped walking and turned around. i don't even know what id say. i figured i might as well go to five, so i teleported to him and we were in a closet.

he jumped a little out of shock, and i mumbled a quick sorry and i looked out of the closet door to see reggie. he's having another one of those meetings i wasn't allowed to go to because my race and i'm a woman.

then i heard five step on a hanger, drawing the attention of all the men in the room. i looked back at five, who had a very annoyed/aggravated expression on his face.

he grabbed my arm and teleported us to a ball before reggie could stab us with a fire place poker.

"great going" i said pinching my nose. i turned around to see three blonde men. the three blonde men.

i sighed and put my arms up in a fighting position. "let's dance"

a/n- yea idk what to say. bye

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