20: oh the turn tables

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"sometimes it's hard to turn the page when you know someone won't be in the next chapter, but the story must go on"

before we go home, there is a short funeral to finally bury elliot, y/n, and ben.

we're on a crunch of time, but y/n's funeral will not be rushed. she deserves better then a field with only her siblings and elliot around her, but that's all we have.

it was warm. clouds were no where to be seen. there was faint wind,the breeze supplying fresh air.

her dress' sequence sparkled in the sun. her skin practically glowed too. for a dead person, she was beautiful.

her casket was milk white with a red velvet inside, gemstones and flowers sprawled around her body. the casket was half opened to show her upper body.

her hands laid on her upper stomach, fingers intertwined. on each ring finger was a ring, one from five and one from her late husband dally. she even kept her ex-fiancé's ring on her middle finger.

she looked peaceful. like she was finally free. if you didn't know she was dead, you might've thought she was asleep.

elliots casket resembled hers, only his was closed due to how he looked. he deserved better.

ben had no casket, but a picture klaus carried around sat on the ground next to the caskets.

no words were spoken, and the only sounds were the wind and soft sniffles.

two holes were dug, and soon the caskets were closed and buried along with bens picture.

everyone gathered dirt to throw on the graves while they made a silent goodbye, and soon they time traveled back to the future.

they arrived at the hargreeves house

"i need a drink" klaus announced before walking to the houses bar.

five fiddled with the ring on his finger while he searched for a newspaper. when he found one he snatched it off the counter and searched for a date.

"april 2,2019" he said smiling. "we did it".

"why is there a picture of ben above the fire place"

five jumped into the living room and looked at the new picture of ben. could've sworn that used to be five.

a purple disk flew over fives head and hit the wall as footsteps came closer to the siblings.

a small figure in a black hoodie ran towards five and threw a punch that five dodged right in time.

he tried to kick at the person, but his foot went right through it.

"the fuck" he mumbled.

"i was wondering when you'd show up" reginald said entering the room.

"dad?" luther asked walking up to the old man.

catching the person off guard, five grabbed the persons neck and pressed them against the wall.

"this isn't your home" reginald said continuing the conversation with luther.

"this is the umbrella academy" allison said.

"wrong again, this is the sparrow academy" reginald corrected.

five people and one cube stepped into the light.

"who the hell are these assholes" a grungy looking ben asked as he stepped into the room.


anddddd until season three! i will be writing another book for that so stay tuned, hoped you enjoyed this!

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