18:save your tears for another day pt2

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allison's pov
i'm outside the salon i met my husband in. when i look around, the rest of my surroundings are rose bushes. weird.

i walk into my salon to find y/n sitting on a couch in the center of the room.

"hey" she said smiling

"hi y/n" i said walking over to her and sitting beside her.

"sorry about you know.. choking you" she said as she rested her head on my shoulder.

i let out an airy laugh.

"do you think you're gonna get back to our time? or see clare again?" she asked.

"honestly, i don't know" i replied frowning a bit.

"i used to be afraid of death" she admitted sitting up.

"and now?"

" well i still am, but now that i'm dying it's not so bad" she replied with a small smile.

i gave her a side hug and rubbed her back.

"can you promise me something?" she whispered.

"anything" i replied as a singular tear dropped from my eye.

"promise that you won't allow this to hurt you too much. i know i'm like super great but don't let grief overwhelm you like it did me" she said

"i promise" i whispered as another tear fell and i let out a pained laugh.

we shifted into a full hug now.

"can you keep an eye on everyone for me? make sure their ok with me being gone " she asked.

"yea i suppose" i replied smiling.

"bye ally" she said

"bye y/n"

klaus' pov

i'm outside a bar. the sun is shining brightly and i could hear my favorite song playing softly from the inside. i walked in to see y/n alone on a bar stool.

the place was emp-ty.

"klaus, always a pleasure" she said smiling at me brightly.

i smiled back as i walked over and sat next to her.

my smile dropped as i grabbed her hands and looked into her eyes.

"you can't leave me too" i said feeling tears sting my eyes.

she rubbed circles into my hands and her proud smile fell to a sad one.

"well, you are the one who can conjure ghosts, so you best believe i'll be pestering you with ben" she said as a tear dropped.

"but i don't want you to only be seen by me. you have more faith in me then all of them combined, i need you y/n, please" i cried.

"i'm so sorry klaus" she cried.

"i just couldn't do it anymore, you know. my intention never was to hurt you" she said.

i pulled my hands away and held my face. am i being selfish? probably.

"it's ok to be mad klaus. it's ok to not be ok" she said and rubbed circles on my back.

"bye klaus"

i said nothing in response and got up, leaving her.

bens pov

i'm in y/n's room back at the academy.

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