5:remeber the time

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flashback-the umbrella academy's second mission

y/n pov

our second mission. i'm not as nervous as i was my first mission, but i'd be lying if i said i wasn't scared. how would you go feel about fighting bad guys at twelve years old?

i searched all around my room. damn no sign of it. "hey has anyone seen my mask" i yelled to everyone who could hear me. "y/n dear, i fixed it up for you" grace said entering my room.

"thank you mom" i said taking my mask from her.
i ran past her out of my room and slid into the car where my siblings were sitting. "you guys ready?" i asked smiling at my siblings.

i got nods from some and no replies from others. "just don't mess up this time" luther said from the passenger seat. "i didn't mess it up last time, so what are you talking about" i replied furrowing my brows.

"well mrs princess, you can't control all your powers unlike everyone else, so i just was making sure you don't mess up" he said turning to stare at me.

"whatever. you don't even know what your talking about" i said leaning back and rolling my eyes. soon dad came into the car, and luthers kiss-ass wouldn't dare argue with me now.

i twiddled with my fingers and bounced my knee. what luther said was degrading, and now it's in the back of my mind. what if i do mess up? what if i hurt any of my siblings?

my thoughts were cut off by diego whispering to me. "don't listen to him. he's the real princess." he said. "yea, i think you'll do great" ben said smiling at me. "thanks guys, i love you" i whispered before giving them both a kiss on the cheek.

we finally arrived. apparently we're stopping drug trafficking at this abandoned mall. "good luck" vanya said smiling and giving us a thumbs up. "we don't need luck" luther said scoffing as we got out of the car.

i hate luther sometimes, i wish he'd just stop talking indefinitely.

"shutup ya dingus. thank you vanya, we'll be back as soon as possible" i said hitting luther then hugging vanya.

"alright so here's the plan, search through the stores in pairs and then holler if you need help." luther started. "me and allison, ben and klaus, diego and five" he said.

"what about me" i asked furrowing my brows. "what about you" he replied. "what the hell am i supposed to do? watch my nails grow while you kick ass?" i asked rolling my eyes.

"i don't need some unstable dunce screwing this up" he said turning around. i looked to see if my other siblings were gonna intervene, but they all just looked at the ground.

"if it were any of you i would back you up, some family you are" i said walking away. no one even followed me!

i sat with my head in my hands at a pillar. i heard footsteps coming towards me and i assumed it was one of my siblings. "go away" i said not looking up.

i felt two big hands grab me and pull me to my feet. "hey what are you-" i was cut off by being punched to the ground. they started kicking me in the ribs, and if i don't do anything now, they might kill me.

luther was close enough for me to mimic his strength, so i grabbed his foot and broke it. he screamed in pain and fell over, soon grabbing a knife out of his pocket.

i started to run away but he grabbed my foot and i fell over. he swatted at me with the knife and i took it and sent us across the floor with my telekinesis. i got up and he did too. he grabbed my neck and smashed me against the wall.

i tried calling out for my siblings, but he was crushing my wind pipe.

i blasted him back off of me and started to call for my siblings when i felt a bullet go through my stomach.

i gasped as i felt blood ooze from the wound. i forced the bullet out and focused as i pinched my skin together to stop the blood from coming out. "help!" i yelled as i ran from the man.

i heard footsteps running behind me and push me into a wall. i rolled on the wall to avoid his punches he tried to throw at me. i punched him in the gut and he doubled over for a moment.

it turns out it was a ploy because when he sat up again he had his knife in his hand and started swinging for me. when he swung again, he stabbed me in the thigh. i grunted annoyed as i sent 'get your asses here now' through my siblings minds.

he fought me for a second before i realized i'm tired of this.

i grabbed his head and with the remaining strength, snapped his neck.

i put my hand to my mouth to silence my gasp. i have injured many people before, but i've never killed anybody.

the sounds of footsteps got louder as tears fell down my cheeks. i can't believe i killed someone.

"y/n what the hell!" luther yelled running to the man. i just stood there with a solemn yet stiff expression. i grunted as i felt the pain grow in my thigh. i looked down and remembered the knife.

everyone looked at me as i pulled out the knife and threw it to the ground. "did you find anything or not" i asked breaking the silence. "yea we took down some guys, and the drugs are currently being taken care of by some cops,that's why it took so long" allison replied.

"y/n, we don't kill people" luther said standing tall. "well he was about to kill me! what was i supposed to do, let him? i didn't even mean to i just got mad" i said gesturing towards me and the man. "and i'm fine thanks for asking" i said walking past them.

"let's go, i'm tired" i said walking towards the exit. i started seeing black circles, i think all this blood loss is getting to me.

"ben can you come here" i said pinching my nose as i leaned against a wall for support. he sped up and started walking with me towards the exit.

"i'm gonna need you to carry me to the car, i have a bullet wound in my stomach near my kidney and a stab wound in my right thigh" i said wincing. "okay" he said turning a little red as he picked me up.

"thanks" i whispered blacking out.

i've always have a soft spot for ben, so i trusted him most with my life.

bens pov

i carried now unconscious y/n hurriedly to our siblings. "hey we gotta go, she's hurt pretty bad" i said as i reached them.

"i can just jump her to the hospital" five said putting his arm out to get y/n, but i stepped us out of his reach before he could try.

"no thanks, i got it" i said turning around. i heard a scoff behind me and i could feel glares at the back of my head. y/n trusted me, and i'm not gonna let her down.

once we got home grace fixed her up, and we continued our lives and training like before the mission

a/n- heyooo! i hope you liked this, i wanted to do more with the hargreeves past you know?

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