15: man in the mirror

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y/n pov

i opened my eyes feeling the warm rays of sun on my face.

i sat up quickly looking around.

was i at elliots?

i haven't been here in.... in a long time.

i moved to the edge of the bed facing the window and tried to stand.

as soon as i put weight onto my feet, i fell to the floor.

i groaned and crawled to the wall for support, trying to stand again.

as soon as i was steady, i walked over to the window and looked outside.

it was only now that i heard the low voices and cars outside, seeing people laugh as they walk down the street.

i put one hand to the glass and the other to my mouth, muffling a cry.

i'm finally home.

i teleported into the bathroom, luckily no one was in there. i walked up to the mirror and stared at my reflection, half expecting another version of me looking back.

i sighed in relief when i saw my broken face staring back at me. i reached a hand to my eyes, and the bags and bruises around them made me yank my hand away.

i feel so ugly.

tears fell from my eyes at a rapid pace. i gripped the edges of the sink and just let it all out.

with each cry i felt the house shake a little, but i didn't care.

all this pain, i just wanted it to stop.

i didn't even notice someone coming in until i felt someone wrap their arms around me.

i just leaned into them and cried until my eyes were dry.

i backed away from the slender figure and rubbed my eyes before looking to see who it was.

"are you okay" elliot asked.

"hey elliot, i'm ok thank you" i lied. how would i even explain my situation to him? i don't want to burden him with me and my families problems more then i already have.

"well ok, five'll be back shortly, in the meantime would you like anything" he asked sweetly.

"no you've done so much already, i have to go somewhere but when i get back, maybe we could do something fun together" i offered smiling.


i haven't genuinely smiled in a long time.

i haven't done a lot in a long time.

out of no where, i hugged elliot.

i've never been much of a hugger, but i felt like i should.

"thank you Elliot, for everything" i mumbled into his chest.

"for sure, if you ever need anything i'm always here" he replied rubbing a circle into my back.

i let go and smiled at him again before teleporting to fives conscience.

he was talking to some lady at what i'm assuming is her desk.

this place is very dated, but it's the sixties.

when she went through her purse, i walked out of the corner i was hiding behind and tapped his shoulder.

he turned to me with an annoyed expression which soon turned to a surprised one.

"y/n" he said pulling me into an unexpected hug.

"hi" i said rapping my arms around his neck and leaning my head against him

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