12: dinner party

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long story short, dad came in and he's talking some crap i couldn't care less about.

"id like to see the fire"

i broke out of the trance i was in and made eye contact for the first time.


"he would like to see the fire, love" five said to me rubbing my hand.


that's new.

"well i don't really know how but here we go" i say getting out of my seat and cracking my knuckles.

"you couldn't have done it when you were sitting down-" luther started.

"shut up monkey balls, i'm focusing" i replied shutting his mouth.

i closed my eyes and tried to start fire in my hands.

i could feel heat rushing to my hands, but nothing is happening.

"come on,come on" i whispered to myself,but nothing is working.

last time this happened, what was i doing?

ok i was uhhhhhhhh

five! ok i was arguing with five about my uhhhh-my wedding! ok focus on that.

nope, still nothing.

i could hear the thoughts of everyone around me now, doubting me. 'what is she doing' 'i don't think it's working'

"hey it's ok if you can't do it" five said grabbing my hand.

"no! i can hear you all doubting me, i can do it" i say yanking my hand away.

"calm down" diego said standing up holding his hand out in a warning stance.

why is everyone so wary of me? this is like that day when we where kids. the fear, the doubt.

"i said i got it!" i yelled hitting my hand on the table.

soon, the table burst into green and white fire, seemingly coming from my hand.

i pulled my hand away and the fire went away.

why am i so angry?

"are you okay" allison asked

"i-i'm fine" i replied pulling my chair out and biting my finger nails.

diego and dad argued about something but i couldn't bother listening. what's wrong with me?

why all of a sudden am i so out of control?

what if i hurt someone?

i don't know what i would have done if i hurt five, diego, or anyone at the table with my powers.

"y/n, dad wants us" five said gripping my shoulder, breaking me from my thoughts.

"yeah ok" i said getting up and following him and dad.

dad and five talked for a bit while i took long swigs of whatever alcohol dad supplied me with.

"can i speak to you alone" dad asked me.

"yes, five i'll see you later ok?" i said giving five a small smile.

"bye" he said kissing my cheek and jumping away.

"did you know i was your "father"" he asked air quoting father.

"no, i made myself forget everything remember" i replied playing with the ice in my drink with my mini straw thing.

"when did this change occur" he asked gesturing to my body.

"when five came back" i replied

"interesting" he says writing in his book again.

"can i ask you a favor" i asked looking him in the eye.

"i suppose it depends on how big this favor is" he replied with a small smile.

"can you try not to be so hard on me when i'm a kid, i felt like whatever i did you thought i could do better, but i promise i really was trying" i said looking down. i never imagined myself doing this, and i kind of feel pitiful.

"i'll do my best and do what i think is right, until we meet again" he said gathering his things.

"bye dad" i replied before teleporting outside of the building.

i ran a hand through my hair and sighed. today was so hectic and rushed.

suddenly i felt a stinging pain in my neck and soon all i could see is black.

sorry these chapters are so rushed, i'm having writers block and i have less and less inspiration to write this anymore. i want to right my own story, kind of like a haters to lovers one, but i feel like no one will read it. would you read it?

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