4: gold

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i closed my eyes and searched for vanyas mind. the last time i saw her we almost killed eachother. what if she's mad at me?

once i finally found her mind, i teleported to her. to my surprise, five was there too. "who are you" she asked with a puzzled look on her face.

i looked at five who shrugged and looked away. i looked into her head and wow, she really didn't remember anything.

"i'm your sister" i said. "would you like me to give you your memories?" i asked offering a slight smile.

"no" five and vanya said at the same time. "no? you don't want to remember" i asked. why wouldn't she want to remember who she was.

"maybe i forgot for a reason, i don't need some stranger roaming through my head" she said looking down. harsh.

"whatever, why'd you say no" i said shifting toward five. "because right now it doesn't matter eight, we are saving the world, not reminiscing on the past" he said glaring at me.

"i swear your bipolar" i say rolling my eyes and turning to walk away.

"where are you going" five called out.

"hell, probably" i responded.

then i was met with a blown down field. i stopped and looked around. vanya did this probably.

soon five and vanya caught up with me. "nice to see your powers are still intact, let's go." five said walking past me. "i'm going to allison, call me when you're through being an ass" i said. "how am i supposed to-"

i teleported to allison's mind. she was with sitting on the edge of some pool. i looked past her to see klaus. "klaus!" i yelled running over and tackling allison into the pool.

"n/n you spilled my drink" klaus said hugging me after everyone floated up to the surface of the pool. "i missed you both" i said forming a group hug with both of them.

a strong burning sensation hit my skin and i jumped back with. i looked at my arm to see a chain shaped burn mark on my arm. "are any of you wearing gold" i asked looking back and forth between klaus and allison.

"sorry y/n, didn't expect your presence" klaus said taking off his golden necklace. "it's cool, i haven't felt real gold against my skin in years" i replied pulling myself out the pool.

dally proposed with a golden ring, but my one and only weakness is gold so he had to get a different ring.


reginalds pov

it's been a few days since i've adopted the children. all babies have adjusted well to the home i've supplied them with accept for eight.

i set her in her crib away from her siblings in a room of paintings. each painting is different, but they all have a golden frame. whenever number eight is in here, she won't stop crying. it's growing quite annoying in all honesty.

when i take her out of the room, she's completely fine. maybe i should just keep her out of the room. what does she not like about paintings?

the children are beginning to speak and walk. i have narrowed down their problems all accept number eight. i've started training her with a gun, because if she doesn't have a power she might as well be able to defend herself.
one day,she started hearing voices in her head and she wouldn't stop crying for it to stop. number three eventually had to rumor her to stop crying.
we have now discovered most of her powers. she's the most powerful them all, but she needs to control her emotions.
i received new kitchen utensils, seeing as y/n bent most of them while training her abilities.

once we all sat down to dinner, i instructed them to eat. as soon as eight picked up her fork, she threw it down and inhaled sharply through her teeth.

"number eight, come here at once" i instructed. i wanted to test something. once she came to me i told her to pick up my knife by it's pure gold handle and don't let it go. once she picked it up, i could hear sizzling and tears started to drop from her eyes.

"enough" i said a little above a whisper. she can't touch pure gold. that's her only weakness. only a pure golden bullet to the heart can kill number eight, and most guns don't have pure gold bullets, so she should be fine.

she dropped the knife and flew back to the wall behind her holding her right hand that had held the knife. all of her siblings looked at her with pity and sorrow in her eyes.

no one can know outside of the family about this, or else the world could lose its strongest defender.

end of flashback

y/n pov

"you're married" i asked allison as we sat on the edge of the pool. she showed me her sparkly ring with a smile. "who is this lunatic" klaus said as he laid on his floaty splashing water around him.

"his names raymond chestnut, ray" she said chuckling. i looked at klaus who had a puzzled look on his face. "what" i asked

"wait is he locked up right now?" he asked. "yeah, how did you know that?" allison replied. "yea,yea, we did time together. wow,small world" he said

they started talking about how he was in jail when i asked "why didn't you just rumor him out?"

"i haven't used my power since....i couldn't speak for a year"she said. i couldn't even imagine. that must've been so hard for her.

a/n- ello! sorry this is short but i was kinda busy today

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