6: served

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"hey y/n, do you want to come to a sit in tonight?" allison questioned as she shifted over to me. "of course" i said smiling. i heard a swooshing sound and brought the object to me using telekinesis. it was this weird can thingy and when i grabbed it it burned my hand.

i dropped as i sucked air through my teeth. "what's that" allison and klaus said at the same time. "i don't know yet" i said making the can thingy float. i disintegrated the gold outside until all that was left was the paper inside.

i grabbed the paper out of the air and read it. all it said was my name and a location, the place i slept at when i first got here. "guys i gotta go" i said standing up. "i'll be at the sit in i promise" i said before teleporting to the location.

as soon as i stepped inside, a bullet grazed my shoulder.

a golden bullet.

three white-haired men lunged at me, but i jumped out the way before they could hit me. they all started walking closer to me and i teleported back to the place five brought me to. i sighed in relief as i started walking towards the bathroom for a med kit.

as soon as i found one i started to close the door but a hand was put through the crack. "oh i'm sorry but i'm in here" i said trying to close the door again.

"i saw your wound, i wanted to help you" a familiar accent said behind the door. i sighed and opened the door. "hello lila" i said hopping onto the kitchen sink. "hello girl hargreeves" she said smiling at me.

"where's diego"

"sleeping like a baby"

"strip" she said pointing at my shoulder. "i don't see any dollar bills" i said smirking at lila. "haha, just do as i say" she said fake laughing.

"you know technically, i am older then you" i said as i began to take of my tie. "of course you are" she said smiling at me. i took of the layers till i was in a sports bra and tank top.

she started cleaning my wound, checking if i was okay every so often. she was nice, and i do like her, but i feel like she's hiding something.

she finished putting a big bandage on my shoulder. "thanks" i said pulling my shirt onto my arms. "no problem" she said starting to leave the bathroom. "please don't hurt my brother" i started. she stopped and turned to me again.

"i just-he's been hurt a lot and i don't know- just please don't hurt him" i said looking down a twiddling with my fingers. "he's an ass, but i guess i like him enough. i wont hurt him y/n" she said putting her hand on my un hurt shoulder.

i walked lazily to the room i've been sleeping in. i might as well call it my room. ok, i walked lazily to my room.

i heard a whooshing sound behind me and i turned on my heel. i rolled my eyes when i saw five and turned back around.

"what?" he said walking over to me. "are you mad at me again? i can never tell with you" i said not turning to look at him. he grabbed my shoulders and i winced, making him retract his hands.

"what happened?" he asked pulling my shirt over and looking at the bandage. "i was shot" i said swatting his hand away. "you usually heal quickly after skims" he said furrowing his brows. "golden bullet" i replied laying on the bed.

"y/n if that hit your heart it could've killed you" he said as his expression hardened. "uh yea, i think i'd know that" i said glaring at him. "you're so reckless" he said turning around.

"you don't even know what happened!" i yelled at him. he was starting to piss me off, he didn't even ask if i was okay.

he turned to me with an even madder expression. "i don't have to, it was probably just you being stupid" he snapped.

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