13: imprisoned

846 28 22

t.w. read with caution

"y/n hargreeves"

i woke up with a pounding voice in my ears.i swore to myself and rubbed my head.

"good your awake" the voice spoke again.

i opened my eyes to be met by a bright light. i shielded my eyes from the light and blinked rapidly to adjust. when my eyes focused, i was met with a slim woman with platinum hair.

"am i supposed to know who you are" i asked assessing her outfit. it's very out dated, but it was kind of cool if you squint your eyes and tilt your head.

"no, but you will" she said walking close to me. i looked around the room. the room was all white, one window in the top of the wall with people staring down at me. one door, a brown door with multiple finger print locks on it.

i looked down at what i was laying on, and it was a white hospital bed with no sheets, just a flat pillow. i looked towards the ceiling and a harsh yellow haze met my eyes, slightly blinding me momentarily.

"these are golden ray lights" she said motioning to the ceiling. "you have one weakness, pure gold, but i'm sure you knew that" she started circling around me like a vulture.

"these lights dampen your powers and that chip in your neck does too, so we won't have any problems if you know what i mean" she finishes, sitting next to me on the bed.

i scooted away and placed a hand to my neck where i had felt the poke before i was knocked out. that's what that was.

"what do you want with me" i asked rolling my eyes in annoyance.

"we want you to work for us, The Commission" she said making dumb hand gestures.

"no thank you" i replied turning away. this feels like a cult.

"there isn't an option" she said putting a hand on my thigh. wait a minute i'm wearing a hospital gown. what pervs saw my bits?

"there is, i can choose to sit here on my ass, and you cannot do anything about it" i said slapping her hand away.

"we can always kill you" she said standing a dusting of her now-stupid dress.

"you could, but you won't.if you wanted to kill me you would have, and now that you see nothing you can do will make me help you, you're probably gonna torture me or something stupid like that." i said finishing with a yawn.

i read her thoughts, a little gold haze and chip does dampen my powers, but mind reading isn't a power that can really be taken away. no matter how many times my dad has tried to take away my ability of mind reading, nothing could stop it.

even when i tried to stop it, the voices of thoughts kept coming. so annoying, honestly, this is the one power i don't want. can you imagine constantly hearing what people feel and think, all day every day? and it never goes away, you just choose to ignore it like how you subconsciously ignore your nose unless you choose to notice it.

"charming,that little power of yours is" she said reaching in her bag.

she's gonna shoot me.

i tried to stop her with my mind, but she proceeded to pull out the gun. i tried to stop the trigger, then the bullet to launching. when i felt the bullet go through my leg, i concurred my attempts didn't work.

i hissed in pain, gripping my leg that's now bleeding black blood, and glared at the woman.

"i thought maybe we could be friends you know" she said placing her gun back.

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