17: save your tears for another day pt1

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"i'm going to end the world" i said as i sat on the coffee table observing each of my siblings carefully.

they all started to gasp and yell at me trying to convince me not to, but i made a hushing motion and all of their mouths closed.

"i'm going to end the world, unless one of you can kill me" i finished standing up and brushing off my thighs.

"we don't have a gun with golden bullets y/n" five stated with furrowed brows. i think he gave up on me, and i wouldn't blame him.

"actually, one of you do" i said with a fake smile.

"luther,  would you care to show our siblings the golden bullet-gun that you've been carrying since we were children to "protect everyone from me"" i said with air quotations.

i noticed it when we were kids but i never bothered to say anything to him. now, what do i have to lose?

"y/n it was just a-" "precaution? yea i bet it is" i cut him off. he looked down and all i could do was laugh.

no one else bothered to say anything so i sighed and closed my eyes. how should i do this? i could explode the earths core, maybe even blow up the sun.

these things i never considered doing, because i doubted i was that powerful. now i say, why not.

"how should i do it? put a protective barrier around us and blow up the sun? up for another apocalypse five?" i asked smirking at five.

he just stared at me in pure disgust. i've never seen him look at me with such hatred. is it wrong this kind of turns me on? seeing him like this? maybe it's a kink.

third person pov

the girl still covered in dry bloods skin began to crack like a broken porcelain doll. all the cracks had a different color of the rainbow and they all glowed.

if this were a different situation, this would be super cool.

black blood started to seep from her eyes and nose.

a smirk was starting to grow as her eyes turned a dark glowy purple color.

she held her hand out and luthers ties began to come undone.

"kill me, or watch the world fall" her voice rung throughout the hargreeves siblings ears.

"no!" klaus yelled thrashing in his seat. klaus loved his sister so much, she was always his favorite besides ben. seeing this broke his heart, and he didn't want to lose her. he couldn't lose her.

she let out a raspy laugh as black tears streamed from her eyes.

she has completely gone insane.

the earth began to shake slowly, quickening by the second.

"y/n don't do this" vanya begged. she hasn't spoken much till now, and now she remembered y/n. she felt so bad for her actions towards y/n when she saw her again, and now she has to either watch the world end or her sister die.

"i have to! all the pain, the loss, i can't take it anymore!" y/n yelled

"50 years tortured and alone, 7 in grief of my husband, barely any time to mourn my children!" she cried as a ring of fire surrounded them all.

cracks started forming in the walls of the house, and the plumbing had gone wild spraying water everywhere.

the red fire grew to the walls and it began to heat up in the room as more cracks formed in the girls skin.

luther shakily aimed at y/n.

he pulled the trigger and the bullet hit her shoulder before disintegrating into dust.

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