10|| Longer Days Shorter Nights

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{ Shikamaru's P.O.V }

I just got back from delivering news and Ino is with Naruto. They have probably been flirting with each other non-stop. I don't like to make things more difficult then they need to be, but what is Naruto going to do about Hinata. She has loved him for years.

I was laying on the back across the couch in Naruto's Office. "How long have you been here Ino?" She turned and looked at me.

"Been here since you left." She turned back around, she has been here since I left to deliever the stupid papers. That is a little over two hours. I have been on my feet while her and Naruto flirt.

"Don't worry Shikamaru she has just been helping with the work I would normally give to Sasuke and Hinata." Naruto spoke calm.

"That must be a lot of work so I ask you where are they?"

Ino looked at him then looked at me. "I don't know where Sasuke is but I know of Hinata."

"They are doing some other work that I asked of them don't worry about it." Naruto seemed quite confident in himself more than usual he must be hiding something, Ino knows of Hinata's whereabouts.

"Aren't you going to do your work Shikamaru?" I sighed as Ino spoke she was being a little more rude than usual why was everyone being so...usual.

"Yeah, yeah, I should get some rest first, it's going to be a long day."

"Days are always long for you." Ino pouted and moved my feet so she could sit on the couch. I put my feet on her lap.

"Yeah, and now being an Adivsor their even longer."

"Why were you picked anyway?" I thought for a minute I guess I didn't really have choice but even if I did I wanted to be by Naruto's side.

"I am one of the best to do the job..no?"

"Yeah. Okay I guess I asked a dumb question." She laid back on the couch back with her hands behind her head.

"Shikamaru are you ready to get up I have another pile of deliverys." Naruto chuckled as he spoke and Ino giggled. I sighed and stood up. This pile doesn't look as big as the other one it shouldn't be hard to deliever it right.

"Don't take to long." Ino flipped her hair and smiled.

"Fine, I will be back soon Lord Seventh." Ino's eyes widen a bit hearing me call Naruto Lord Seventh. I smirked. "That is what he is after all." I had a plan behind calling him that. I wasn't going to work as hard. Naruto just likes hearing that.

I grabbed the stack of papers and documents and left the room. This shouldn't take long and if it does tak long just means more or less work later.


{ Sakura's P.O.V }

"Come on Sai. The kids are going to start lining up to get the academy." I started to run Sai close behind me. This was a waste of my time but Naruto was now Hokage and I have to follow his orders.

"I am going don't worry we can beat children to an academy." He started to run ahead of me so I ran faster. Once I saw the academy in my sight I slowed down some. The doors were open but no children were around yet.

I skidded to a stop infront of the doors and walked in, Sai was a bit infront of me.

"Which Classroom is it?" Sai was infront but didn't know where he was going. I ran over to the class room closed to the entrance by the way it looked I knew it was that one.

"So many memories."

"Really? I wouldn't expect you to like this place much." Sai laughed a bit and I frowned at him.

My Family's Nindo[1]: Destined For Evil and DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now