3|| Question and Answer

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{ Gaara's P.O.V }

"I don't need you help with anything Sasuke." Sasuke had some 'Connection' with these people before he came back to protect Konoha. I don't trust These ninja nor Sasuke when it comes to protecting Naruto's life.

"I will answer your questions." The red head, supposedly goes by the name of Karin. She spoken soft but with power. For Sasuke I am to understand. Temari and Kankuro looked as thought they wanted to immediately take out, these ninja called Suigestu and Jugo.

"Gaara, what are you going to do about these unqualified, insignificant, and quite frankly ugly Ninja?" Temari spoken with a tone in her voice, she turned her head to Karin when she said ugly. Karin put her head down as if she didn't care but I could tell she did. Especially when she shot Chakra Chains to grab Temari. I used my sand to grab the chains and pin Her against a tree.

"What did you think you were gonna do you pathetic girl?" I popped the 'p' as I spoken and narrowed my eyes. Temari had already been ready to kill her. She coughed and yelled at me.

"What do you mean pathetic?! And you! What do you mean frankly ugly?!" Her glasses had fell on the floor. Ino picked them up and gave them to Kankuro. Sasuke stood as if he couldn't tell this was happening. Kankuro walked up to the red head still pinned against the tree and put her glasses on her face.

"Shut up, you worthless infant." She spit on his face and he wiped it away smirking. "I tried to be nice." Just when he was about to open the scroll Karin screamed from the sand hardening choking her harder. He walked away from her and stood next to Temari. Kankuro and Temari were always so cocky because people found them intimidating.

"Now it is time for my favorite game." She smiled wickedly and looked at the other ninja with sand around them. "Question and Answer." Kankuro had this wide smirk on his face as did Ino. Sasuke closed his eyes and leaned against a tree. The ninja pinned against trees by Sand stared at Temari with fierce, fire, and fear.

"We will let you down when the game is over." Kankuro was being sarcasticly warming. I do wish that Kankuro and Temari weren't so sarcastic but they get the job done. I rather not make the job more difficult.

"Lord Kazekage will start with the questions and you will answer, or will make you either way we win." Temari put her fan in the ground and waited for me to ask a question. I didn't know what to say, I just want to know why they are here. They can't have a good reason. They don't have a pass and I should kill them. Temari and Kankuro wouldn't do anything and Sasuke and Ino would try to stop me at all costs and I could never kill Naruto's closet friends unless they were putting him in danger.

"Why did you come here? You obviously don't have permission and there would be no point in coming here for Sasuke." I want them to under stand that I will let them go but not before I know that Konoha and Suna are safe. I want to let them down to preserve my sand but I know they'll attack and that won't do much good. I have a meeting with Naruto and his elders I don't not has time for this. Sasuke and Ino were probably sent to come and get me. Yet Naruto knows I have Kankuro and Temari.

"I am sorry to be a bother, but we are heading to the mist." The Orange haired ninja spoke with his head up. "We just want to get by and we thought you were rain a but after us, heading to the mist for Suigetsu is going to dangerous. We rather not waste our chakra on low life's like you." Sasuke opened his eyes.

"Low lives like us." Temari gripped her fan tightly. I put my hand out and she let go of her grip a bit. Kankuro looked at me with worry, I wouldn't kill them for being rogue on their own without even Sasuke. "Just remember you are talking to the children of the fourth Kazekage and Lord Fifth." Kankuro looked at Temari when she spoke knowing she would do anything to protect me. I thank her for that.

My Family's Nindo[1]: Destined For Evil and DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now