27|| Did You Care?

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{ Haruki's P.O.V }


"You have to be kidding me, is this really going to be your end?" I laughed watching Aimi choke on her life.

"Let.. me go!" She kicked me into a tree and my grasp on her was lost. I stood up and immediately ran after her, she pulled out a kunai ready t block.

I teleported behind her and made a wooden sword material, I stabbed her from behind and laughed. She was now choking on both her blood and life.

"Die Aimi!" my eyes grew as I loved watching her try and live, but I don't know how this made me so happy.

"Haruki, this isn't you, those ninja did something to you, the ones who attacked us fight it Haruki, fight it!" she was using some of her last breath to save me from something why?

"Shut up!" I kicked her on the ground before she could pull out the sword and ran off. I wasn't gonna let anything happen to me, myself, and I.

"Haruki, don't worry I'll find you and help you," Aimi yelled as I ran off, damn that byakugan. She can always find everything with that.

"Stop right now Haruki, I already know what you are going to do, and I am going to stop you," I was far enough about from Aimi but Tarou had activated his Sharingan and was staring right at me. He knew what I was gonna do and I didn't not until now.

I have to change the plan because he obviously knows. He probably knows what my final decision is going to be.

"Let's talk," Tarou jumped down from the tree and looked at me dead in the eyes. I felt my soul grow colder.

"About what?" I balled my fist, I just wanted to punch him but he would block instantly. I was stuck talking with this fool when I needed to get to Lord Second.

"What I did to and with Lord Second, the worst Hokage so far," Tarou laughed and this time I swung at him and he blocked and punched me in my face.

"Shut up will you? I want to know where our team mate is so we can go home the hokage is fine on his own and he doesn't need your help," he hissed at me with his words.

"The Hokage is more important than you, and Aimi more important than anything you stand for and anything you will ever be," I smirked.

"Just tell me where you and Aimi went so I can go get her bastard!" Tarou pushed me on the ground and grabbed my shirt, he had his fist in the air ready for if I didn't listen to him.

"Fight me!" I pushed him off and kicked him when he was on the ground.

"If you want me to beat you into a bloody pulp fine then," he laughed and coughed blood at the same time. He stood up and we both took a stance.

-Flashback Ends-

"Tarou," I walked behind him and smirked. "Let's settle this just like before," he turned and laughed.

"You still won't win no matter the year difference," Tarou activated his Sharingan his face looked different after all her was still dead.

"Weren't you the one who died? I am still living and you are dead, well back for now." I shrugged my shoulders.

"You probably don't even remember how I died," I thought about it for a minute then I realized I had forgotten and I really didn't know.

"Heh, I am so sorry, when did you die and how I am so interested," I rolled my eyes and he punched me.

"Lord Scum Second killed me during the middle of our fight you bastard," I fell on my butt. I can't believe I had forgotten that. Maybe I had pushed it out because I envied him so much.

My Family's Nindo[1]: Destined For Evil and DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now