13|| He's After Them

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{ Hinata's P.O.V }

I had woken up from the sunlight coming through the trees. I had slept wonderfully. When I looked at Sasuke he was sleep. I guess he really did sleep. I still remember the words I heard him say.

"If there is a hard decision in life, that means it is important, but nothing is more important than following your heart."

I wonder who told him that.

"Hinata." I heard someone call my name but it wasn't Sasuke. "Hinata." I heard it again. Someone was calling my name and they sounded in need. I looked at Sasuke and he was sound asleep.

"Byakugan." I whispered so Sasuke wouldn't wake. I looked around and I spoted a person hanging from a tree. I tried to stand but Sasuke's grib on me was to strong. He put his hand on my neck and started to choke me. I couldn't breathe. I tried to keep my eyes open.

"Hinata!" I heard Hanabi calling the person hanging from the tree was Hanabi. I had to help her she had no way down. There were chains on her legs. Regular chains not chakra.

"Hanabi!" I tried to yell and now Sasuke was pulling my neck harder. I couldn't take it anymore, I closed my eyes and stopped breathing.


"Hinata.." I heard someone say my name, it was Sasuke. I tried to move and he was holding my waist. I was breathing hard, I started to slow it down. I looked at him and he was looking at me blankly.

"I..you..were..but.." I didn't know what to say. I put my hands by neck, What happened? "It felt so real..Where is Hanabi?!" I used Byakugan and looked around. She wasn't any where to be seen.

"What is wrong?" He let go of me. He could tell I was scared of something. "What did you see?"

I shook my head. "Something happened and it seemed so real but it wasnt a dream. I had already woken." I looked at Sasuke's hand it was a fist.

"Genjutsu." He looked around. "Someone is here, but I don't know who or what they want with us. They were in close enough range to put you under a genjutsu as soon as you woke." He stood up and looked around. "Come out already!" He yelled.

"Sasuke three o'clock." I noticed a person moving they jumped at Sasuke, he turned and and blocked it with a Kunai and him arm. Sasuke and they guy started to fight Sasuke was dodging everything. Every move, punch, kick or weapon. He wasn't hit.

They frozen for a minute, so I teleported behind the guy and grabbed his shoulders flipping in the middle of the air I did a three sixty, throwing him into the tree. Sasuke smirked and looked at him. He got back up and I stood next to Sasuke.

"Do you have a plan?" I looked at him and he shook his head.

"Just hit him." I sighed and hoped his 'plan' would work. The man threw two kunai. Sasuke and I both hit one. He ran at us and I stood behind him. Sasuke was in front everytime he tried to encounter one of Sasuke moves I would hit him. Everytime he would dodge my moves Sasuke would hit him.

Sasuke grabbed his arm and I kicked him into a tree from the side. We cornered him against a tree I don't think Sasuke knew him and I didn't know him. "Who are you?" Sasuke broke the silence.

"I am not telling you." he disappeared. We had nothing no name, no age, not even the village, he didn't have a headband on. He didn't have an headband on...

"Sasuke he didn't have a headband on." Sasuke looked around. "Byakugan!" I looked around and I saw it, I ran and grabbed it. I turned it around in my hand and before I saw the sign, Sasuke snatched it away from me.

My Family's Nindo[1]: Destined For Evil and DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now