9|| Try And Understand

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{ Naruto's P.O.V }

-Next Morning-

I saw Hinata and Sasuke leave the village I trust them whole heartily. I was trying to stay awake looking over the documents that had to get past me before officially being accepted or denied.

"Naruto, are you done checking through that pile," Shikamaru was laying on a couch that was added to my office for him. He was just resting not sleeping. I never laid on the couch...it can be so irritating. He never wants to do anything.

"Yeah, you can take them." I pushed them toward the end of the desk and grabbed something else off the pile.

He stood up and took them to be delivered or to let people know they had been accepted or denied. He had woke up earlier then everyone else it was just a couple minutes past the sunrise. I loved to look outside, most of the village was asleep. Then the young ninja would all run to school. The women and men of the village would work throughout the day. Then when the young ninja got out, they would run around and play ninja. I never played but it would be fun.

"Naruto!" Ino busted open the door jumping and smiling. "Good Morning," she ran behind my desk and hugged me. Ino wasn't usually this happy but when she was it was cute.

"Good Morning, What are you doing up so earlier?"

"I came to help you advisors, I like to help them all because of how much work they have." She stopped hugging me and sat down on the couch.

"So I guess I will see a lot of you huh?" I started to go through piles of papers and documents again."

"Yeah, and Hinata left this scroll at home." She got up and handed me the scroll when I opened it, it said: I know this must be kinda of foolish but I am going to try and find Senju on my own to safe my clan I don't know if I will even leave for sure. If you are reading this scroll I left the village.

"You must have had a plan before she left with Sasuke."

"But...but the scroll doesn't say anything about Sasuke." She looked at it again.

"I know that means she must have wrote this before she decided to leave with Sasuke." I looked at Ino and closed the scroll handing it back to her.

"Lately everyone in the Hyūga have been shook up, Hinata is just trying to protect her clan I understand why she would care so much." Ino took the scroll and sat back down. "I may not fully understand but I understand some." She looked at the scroll staring at it. "Well if Sasuke and Hinata are gonna and Shikamaru is delivering I could help you."

"Thank you, Ino, but I would rather have you sleep you had a long day yesterday." I stopped looking at the papers and looked at her for a second. "I would love your help but I rather have you sleeping just incase something else goes wrong."

"I am fine Naruto. I know what I am doing. I have passed out many times in the battle field."

I chuckled, "Fine. Take that pile, just read it out loud and I will tell you denied or accepted." She grabbed the papers and sat on the couch.

"You know you can't let me when arguments like this."

"Of course not." I chuckled.

"Oh my god, does she lose these cats on purpose!" She set down the paper on her lap. "She has lost this cat for everyone."

"I think she does just so the Genin have something to do." I laughed. "Well, Sasuke has a list of what Genin go on what missions, but we don't have that. So...I will have to denie it for now."

She nodded. "Okay, next." She smiled and picked up another paper. I think she just wanted to spend more time with me. Heheh, I guess she got lucky us being alone together. "Iruka Sensei wants you to visit during the becoming Genin Celebration."

My Family's Nindo[1]: Destined For Evil and DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now